PRELUCRAREA LEMNULUI – Construirea unui tabel cu hărți și instalarea luminilor de navigație

PRELUCRAREA LEMNULUI - Construirea unui tabel cu hărți și instalarea luminilor de navigație

Prelucrarea lemnului! Restaurăm timoneria veche de 73 de ani de pe nava noastră de oțel. Ne reconstruim baza luminii de navigație, construim o masă de carte frumoasă și continuăm să restaurăm ramele ferestrelor din lemn de tec. Alăturați-vă nouă pentru primul nostru mare proiect de prelucrare a lemnului la bordul Flying Coney Flying Coney este o navă istorică din oțel lungă de 82 de picioare. Și o aducem înapoi să trăiască ca frumoasa navă cu pânze care a fost cândva. Când am terminat cu reparația, vrem să navigăm pe ocean și să învățăm tinerilor abilitățile tradiționale de navigație. —————————— Faceți cunoștință cu noi: —————————— Donați instrumente și echipamente: /wishlist/ls/2VP643PDYV1L1?ref_=wl_share Deveniți un patron: Sau sprijiniți-ne pe PayPal: Doriți să ne ajută să restabilim Flying Coney? Deveniți voluntar: —————————— Instagram:


27 thoughts on “PRELUCRAREA LEMNULUI – Construirea unui tabel cu hărți și instalarea luminilor de navigație

  1. I suggest one change for your chart table . Cut the corners of edging down flush with the table top. That way it can be cleaned much more easily. Sanded , nice curves open corners. It is a nice table in a good spot.

  2. The wheelhouse, both inside and outside, will look amazing at all times, during the full restoration, becoming a true work of art when the ship is completely finished. Well done!

  3. Well done you two, you are doing a superb job, you must be exhausted, however I think Flying Cooney is going to be a superb ship when finished and you should be proud of yourselves

  4. Enjoy your videos and have followed quietly for a while but had to call out one mistake i fear you may be making. Your nav light wooden shroud should have a matt black finish behind the lamp to prevent reflection and make the red and green lights stand out clearly to prevent any mistakes when viewed by other ships. Check out the barges moored next to you. Small change but important. Keep on keeping on because you are doing sterling work with the refurb.

  5. If you mix 30% ammonia and water and soak the teak with this and scrub with a dish brush and lightly scrape with a steel spatula, you clean it deeply and it will get its color back, and you don't have to sand as hard.

  6. Отличная работа! Рубка становится лучше, как и весь корпбль!
    Судя по словам в опенинге, вы раскопали военное прошлое корабля?

  7. What a great experience to watch caring and professional folks accomplishing their life’s dreams. Enjoying the channel. Tks for sharing.

  8. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
    I may have to borrow that "and heres the chart tablw with varnish on it " joke!💕
    Take good care! Cheers from Guam! 🇬🇺

  9. Thanks! I wish to contribute once again, it’s not much but it’s what I can afford, at least it will get you a nice bottle of wine. PerryEastham 😊

  10. Most hardware or lighting stores or online sell replacement LED bulbs to fit bayonet fittings like yours. To save on power fit LED bulbs everywhere you can

  11. There are direct replacements globes for the navigation lights in LED that are in expensive and will save a lot on power draw. The globe fittings apear to be for 21 watt incandescent globes and there is 5 watt replacements in LED that have a higher light output and put off virtually no heat.

  12. Is that a Mermaid siting on the wheelhouse roof ? It looks like one to me 🤗.Well i finally made it official I'm retired ,I got my first Social security check . now i can make and plan trip's to where ever i want to go .When i was working and people would ask me my job i would tell them i was a paid professional tourist aka truck driver .Now i will say I'm going to be a world traveling Bum .

  13. Another material to think about using instead of plywood for outside projects and backing plates is HDPE. Comes mostly in white or black and smooth or textured surface and a variety of thicknesses. Other colours can be found too but usually at a higher cost.

  14. Hi there. What a beautiful ship you have. Good to see you have some great help in the Nethertlands. We hav some good ship craftsmen with our ship building history. I hope you find the resourses to build up your dream ship. Greets Mike

  15. Just an idea, instead of LED nav lights you can just change the globe to an LED equivalent. Things are looking good, see you next time.

  16. Hi B&M, you guys have made such a huge impact already on this restoration, it’s going to be phenomenal when you final get stuck in to the main body of FC. Little tasks like you are doing now certainly add to the elegance of this old lady and a really huge thanks to Harold for the quality of woodworking he brings to the SFC work, great work Harold. Keep the great videos and content coming guys, so well done

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