Reconstruirea interiorului putred al catamaranului meu | Sălbatic Sailing

Reconstruirea interiorului putred al catamaranului meu |  Sălbatic Sailing

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25 thoughts on “Reconstruirea interiorului putred al catamaranului meu | Sălbatic Sailing

  1. Hi!
    I will continue to watch all your coverage.
    What you are doing is great. You create value.
    Your ship is more and more alive, and its sister ship is more and more dying.
    Your thinking is also in place.
    You compacted the chain plate bases nicely.
    On the other hand, fasten the chain plates to the cross-supporting bulkhead, very firmly. Keep it up. I listen and praise you.

  2. Have you tried a bread chicken curry please try it’s a roll with chicken curry it’s fantastic brilliant and absolutely lovely ❤

  3. 1:40 no no no sorry it's just not the right way to sharpen a plane or chisel blade. use a figure of eight pattern to keep the stone dead flat – you're just making a channel, a groove😊

  4. The beams needn’t be girthy just strong. It’s not the meat it’s the motion.

    I imagine there’s no better place to do sea trials than Amsterdam. Consistent winds, beer, and weed. 🎉

  5. The two strokes may be a limiting factor for some Environmental agencies around the world but they are simple and much more reliable than people give them credit for. I would still like to see them in wells for easier maintenance and access but perhaps hinged arrangements to allow them to be lifted clear of the water when not in use etc. Go well!

  6. You know your fish mark ..! 😜But the second perch was a nice size .. spinning always good fun .. sail around the UK would be a good tester and only after a few single days just to check water tightness and everything secure .. is it what you call " SHIP SHAPE "..looking forward to your next vlog and make sure mom cracks a bottle of fizz..! Too drink that is.. not to wet the boat yet 🥂✌️🙏🇬🇧

  7. If you search up "microscope" and what makes a knife sharp, it's the opposite of what we usually assume. When you sharpen a knife what you're actually doing is creating a micro serration in the metal, not making it more smooth. It's a weirdly interesting consept and helps to understand what makes something sharp. Look it up and enjoy the "aaaaaah" moment.

  8. I believe the only difference between a 9.9 and a 15 is exhaust and carburetor. There's no weight penalty for ten extra horsepower over the pair. Two electric start outboards with alternators are a must.

  9. I'm so impressed with your persistence, I love your accent it's just easy to listen to you.
    I lived on a 53ft trimaran with two kids and a narcissist for a partner, he was all promises but no effort and I finally realised I'd have to give up my dream of boat life to escape him. So I do appreciate the effort you put in. Keep going you'll love that life alone or with the right person.

  10. Without a doubt the most painful to watch woodworking show on YouTube. Painful because it brings back all the mistakes I've made learning to work with wood and laminates😭

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