Tur al podului de superyacht de 65 de milioane de dolari – M/Y Resilience

Tur al podului de superyacht de 65 de milioane de dolari - M/Y Resilience

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38 thoughts on “Tur al podului de superyacht de 65 de milioane de dolari – M/Y Resilience

  1. Well, it is all electronically controlled. Is.the little knob you handle, guiding the ship.?…NO WHEEL ! Does not feel like sailing to me but more like a powered shipping container, handling tons of cargo. Is anyone having fun on board these things, unless they are the owners and they are hiding from the rules of the land ? I cannot relate to sailing unless I see a wheel and sails….No super yacht for me ! I would have to find something else to do with my extra millions. ….Maybe creating a sanctuary for exploited animals ? yeah….that would be my speed. That said, it is not about my personal opinion but you are doing a great job, showing what these yachts are like. Most people are impressed and grateful . Thank you for that !

  2. An amazing inside view of an amazing ship. Thank you for giving us an inside view of the ships operation center. Something we’d all love to see more of.

  3. howdy man long time veiwer always enjoy ur vids however both on this yacht ur camera presents a very washed out whitish glare on ut lens anyway thanks

  4. Absolutely love the bridge tour. Your knowledge and explaining the little things, for instance the light to dim all those green lights, and the "stay awske" button that notifies the next person in line, add so much to just 'seeing' it. Although that is impressive. I could easily watch a full hour and 20 minutes of this type of video, not just 12 seemingly short minutes. Thanks so much, it's wonderful they let you basically have carte blanche to roam and film. You did a wonderful job, if I owned that yacht and chartered it out I'd try and hire you to do publicity videos. Maybe have you meet it in some warm and beautiful place, do the video, and trade for you being able to charter it for a week or ten days when it suited you.

  5. This is not an insult.
    As a 50 Upholsterer I thought the red seats that the crew sit on in the Bridge had to many wrinkles in them for a new boat. 😉

  6. Another intersting yacht tour – shows how well connected eSysman is to be able to get access to these boats and the back ground information of this world that most of us can only dream of

  7. Thankyou for a great informative video. You did a great job in keeping things to the point, concise, yet managed to include so much into the content covered. 🤠

  8. Have to say just love all the additional info and technical understanding you are able to bring to these reviews. Certainly worth the extra videos in this format. I'd definitely enjoy the same approach to the engine room.

  9. I hope Furuno have got better at producing manuals for all this stuff, Back in about 1995 we got a new Furuno radar and Peter the skipper wrote on the cover – reading this will seriously damage your brain. He was not wrong.

  10. Very astute of the vessel's mjt to allow such grand access to that fine boat! While I'd secretly hoped for a supermodel guide, your expert commentary was excellent!

  11. Awesome video! love the amount of detail regarding the systems. Wish you could have done a similar walkthrough of the engine room. Very cool yacht! Thanks for showing us around!!!

  12. I noticed the door leading into the bridge when you were explaining the fire door system. It looks like it's reinforced like bulletproof?

  13. Thank you guys for another wonderful & classy video. Your detailed explanations of the instrumentation / controls were perfect. Also thank you for the tour of the vessel. Another classy & adorable video. TMP from N.J.

  14. Re Bridgewings: I know of company that spent quite a bit of effort to make an App for controlling the ship in lieu of proper bridge wing controls, so the ship could be docked via IPad. Obviously, that was for the Steve Jobs yacht.

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