1 oră de VIAȚĂ PE BARCĂ Frumoasă (navigație senzorială)

1 oră de VIAȚĂ PE BARCĂ Frumoasă (navigație senzorială)

#348 Încă nu am inventat cum să ne teleportăm, dar sperăm că acest film de 55 de minute este cel mai bun lucru pentru a petrece o zi la bord cu noi. Într-un episod obișnuit, cel mai mult vedeți de obicei din orice moment la bord este de aproximativ 10 secunde, bucăți împrăștiate din cele mai bune imagini, accelerate, încetinite, senzaționalizate. Aici – vă prezentăm toate fotografiile așa cum sunt înainte de a le edita. Lungime completă, captivantă, senzorială și crudă. Întotdeauna am vrut să vă aducem astfel de filme cu ardere lentă, dar cred că în videoclipurile noastre de 20 de minute… nu am avut timp și spațiu pentru a lăsa întreaga experiență să se desfășoare. Atenție, acesta ar putea fi unul dintre episoadele noastre preferate. Bucurați-vă, băieți, și vă rugăm să ne spuneți părerile voastre în comentariile de mai jos!! Previzualizați episoadele noastre devreme, videoclipuri bonus și alăturați-vă nouă în streamuri live în fiecare lună! Consultați pagina noastră Patreon pentru mai multe informații: http://bit.ly/SLVPatreon Cumpărați niște produse oficiale La Vaga! http://shop-lavagabonde.com Consultați site-ul nostru: http://sailing-lavagabonde.com Descărcați muzica lui Elayna aici! https://elaynac.bandcamp.com Întrebări frecvente Ce camere folosim? CAMERA MARE: http://amzn.to/1t6fAfY ALTĂ CAMERA MARE: http://amzn.to/2rybQE2 CAMERA LA MÂNĂ: http://amzn.to/25KvT0x GOPRO: http://amzn.to/1t6haPc DRONE: http://amzn.to/2ooXPLs Ce software folosim? Premiere Pro https://adobe.ly/2vzkB2I Predict Wind http://bit.ly/PredictWindForecasts


41 thoughts on “1 oră de VIAȚĂ PE BARCĂ Frumoasă (navigație senzorială)

  1. Such a good video and you should definitely do more like it. It was so chill and felt like we were there sailing and apart of the whole day with you guys! 👌🏽

  2. I loved this episode. I sailed for many years, and spent this time with you enjoying the sounds, the squeaks, the water, the sun, lying down in the shade….and that glorious, familiar exhaustion. I could watch MANY episodes like this! And I’m DYING FOR A CRACKER & BUTTER right now. This was an exceptionally lovely day.
    Thank you so much💗

  3. I´ve been watching your videos with great interest over the last years now and am absolutely impressed of you guys.
    This episde shows a lot from a different angle and I think, that 45 minute episodes could be a very good format for the show.
    Stay authentic as you are and thanks for letting us be a little part of the La Vagabonde Crew ;o)

  4. You guys are living the dream. I am working too much and missing the real reason why we are all here. Awesome crew you have. Hope your children will continue on in your footsteps. Love watching Jack and Fran also. I watch your channel whenever I get a chance. Keep the videos coming. Andrew. NSW OZ.

  5. I honestly I love all the videos you guys post and I think if you guys have a mix of short videos and long videos, serious ones and funny ones. I think having the different variety is always good because there will be videos for everyone.

  6. I have watched every video since the beginning. I really enjoy the earlier videos. This one is definitely one of my favorites from the newer videos! It really feels more real, like we are more there with you, hopefully that does not sound stupid lol. But I really love this type of "slower" video. Thank you so much and keep on doing what you are doing ❤

  7. Thanks again for the upload, I can amagine waking up thinking I'm hungry what for breakfast awh whatever I catch. I'm always fascinated on how you're holding it together god bless you all Elaines, my grammar errors are terrible I am sorry but Elaina looks like a proper pirate Riley looks like Pablo Escobar with the shades an all its the perfect couple the pirate an the gangster I can amagine not knowing them and seeing them for the first time what my first impression would be : funny : fantastic episode

  8. Not from Down Under, but a good friend of mine from New Zealand introduced me to Vegemite. It is now a staple in the cupboard! Love that stuff. No one else in my household does, so I never have to worry about it being 'used up'!😁

  9. I have waited for the long version for so long,21mins once a week 💗💖 never long enough,p.s hi Lenny and Darwin,love from Cathy in Brisbane Oz 🤗🤗🎉

  10. Excellent video thank you! I enjoyed putting this one on as I was meal prepping this morning. Appreciated the soothing music and a vulnerable, touching story told in this special episode. Seconding all the other comments, more of this!

  11. Hey mate, bit of an odd question but could you tell me the name of that green buttoned pullover Riley has on? Looked everywhere for it. Looks great! Much love to ya mates ⛵️❤️

  12. I love your family! Your boys are the best.

    Send a shoutout to Elon Musk for a Starlink satellite disk!
    Never be out of range again. Soon to be both internet and phone!!!!

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