ATÂT DE FERICIT CĂ MI-AM REPARAT DIRECȚIA! Încărcătură imensă de pe umerii mei acum. Dacă aveți LEWMAR la bord, este posibil să aveți o problemă. Cel puțin ar trebui să vă inspectați cadranele de direcție și cuplajele. Calitatea este șocant de slabă, dar, din fericire, în sfârșit am pus mâna pe noul cadran și îmi pot rezolva problemele LEWMAR. Cel puțin cel care nu a reușit să trimită lucrurile în Tahiti este ridicol de scump și consuma mult timp. Potrivit Bavaria, LEWMAR USA și Tech Support, trebuia să am o versiune îmbunătățită a direcției LEWMAR COBRA. Cu toate acestea, după ce am primit versiunea BEEFED UP a cadranului, văd o diferență semnificativă. Cadranul meu original a fost ca o folie de staniol în comparație cu cel nou. Așa că sunt curios dacă asta ar fi trebuit să am și, dacă da, de ce nu a venit iahtul meu cu asta. Sau dacă întărirea a venit mai târziu din cauza a ceea ce am trăit. Calitate extrem de slabă. Ce știu, nu este de mirare că nu a durat. De acum înainte voi naviga singur din nou, dar mai întâi trebuie să repar direcția și să rezolv alte lucruri înainte de a continua spre vest. Următorul salt va fi de 1500 de mile marine fără oprire până în Fiji. Așa că, de asemenea, ar trebui să-mi repar piloții automati și alte câteva lucruri în ultimele zile pe care le am aici. Vă rugăm să fiți respectuoși și amabili în comentariile voastre, suntem doar ființe umane. Oameni obișnuiți care împărtășesc viața noastră extraordinară cu tine în bine și în rău. Vă mulțumim foarte mult pentru etichetare și pentru că patronii contribuie la realizarea acestui videoclip. MULȚUMESC MULT PENTRU VIZIONARE ȘI Abonare! De asemenea, puteți urmări navigarea cu Thomas pe alte platforme pentru fotografii și videoclipuri actualizate aproape zilnic și chiar să vă găsiți un tricou nou: Facebook: Instagram: https://www.instagram .com/sailingwiththomas Magazin: Patreon: DESPRE ACEST CANAL: Navigați în jurul lumii cu un Bavaria 55 Cruiser, realizând videoclipuri ori de câte ori avem timp pentru asta. Obișnuiam să navigheam singur și, uneori, aveam prieteni navigatori la bord. Dar acum echipajul permanent de la bordul BE FREE îl include pe Gee din Olanda. Acum explorăm Oceanul Pacific. Chiar dacă acesta este sezonul 5 pe YouTube, nu am făcut atât de multe videoclipuri la început. Înainte de a naviga cu normă întreagă, am navigat mai multe sezoane în Marea Mediterană înainte de aceasta și, evident, și în Scandinavia. Am mai călătorit în lume și am fost, de asemenea, un navigator activ de regate. Am avut prima mea barca cu pânze la vârsta de 7 ani și de atunci navighez. De asemenea, peste 10 ani de experiență în căutare și salvare pe mare în Norvegia. VA RUGAM SA FITI AMABILI IN COMENTARII! Sunt doar o persoană normală care împărtășește aventura mea de călătorie prin ochii mei și experiența din perspectiva mea! Amintește-ți cum fac lucruri care ar putea funcționa pentru mine, dar nu și pentru tine. S-ar putea chiar să nu fie modul corect de a face lucrurile și nici eu nu am planul. Nu sunt perfect și nimeni nu este. În ziua în care cred că știu totul și nu cred că pot învăța lucruri noi, ar trebui să plec la țărm.
MĂ FERICIT DIRECȚIA MEA ESTE FIXĂ – SwT 157 – Pregătirea FI GRATUIT pentru următorul salt MARE
50 thoughts on “MĂ FERICIT DIRECȚIA MEA ESTE FIXĂ – SwT 157 – Pregătirea FI GRATUIT pentru următorul salt MARE”
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Well done, Thomas. It's funny, I can still see Gee's influence on you in this video. Fair winds and following seas!
Subpar part sourced by Bavaria this stuff happens.. here's an analogy ..I purchased a GE Fridge 2 years ago that stopped getting cold last week..turned out to be an easy fix after diagnosis evaporator fan failed , the original fan was flimsy, noisier { when it worked } & made in Vietnam. The replacement part was a Panasonic, what a better part so quiet high quality. Good video job well done. ✅
Cruising is a real challenge in so many ways and not everyone who tries it can handle all the problems that come up.
That's okay, recognizing our strengths and weaknesses is what helps us enjoy life and not just endure it.
I see how much good inflatables and outboard engines have really changed cruising. Back when I was cruising, nobody I met who was cruising had an outboard motor and most had an 8 foot hard dinghy and we all rowed to shore. A few of us had a sailing rig and that as always fun but rowing really limited how far away we would anchor. There were much fewer cruising so we could anchor close enough to not have to row for more than 30 minutes. It did mean often people anchored closer together than we liked.
Great help from the machine shop guy! You are so right, you have to be very patient and understanding of the work culture wherever we find ourselves because if you don't, they won't help fix our problem. I've seen a couple examples of that when someone is demanding, or balks at the price. The shop can just say "NO".
That would have been difficult if you were on the hard with all the right tools. Well done Thomas. At least they recognized the poor quality of the original part and corrected it.
I think you deserve more than I beer for that job, by the way 🤝🤝👍👍👍👍👍🇺🇸
Sailing is indeed fixing things in exotic locations – congrats on job well done, phew! 😅 Scary with underdimensioned gear on such vital parts… also impressed with your patience with island time. And a new flag, superb gift! Thanks for the episode, cheering me up (having a cold) – skål! ☕️
Good job mate love your work…..sorry about seeing your struggle …..God bless you I’m praying for you 😊
Well done Thomas !! You van be proud of yourself 👍🏻
Glad you got your steering fixed. That new gear definitely looks a lot beefier. Happy sailing again! ⛵️
Please share the name of the skilled gentleman and where to find his shop for other cruisers. I would hate for something bad to happen to you that could've been prevented. Please wear the kill switch in the dinghy. Thanks for sharing.
Well Thomas I'm glad you got your steering fixed. Take care stay safe my friend❤
Good job, I know about steering issues!!!⛵🥳⛵🎉⛵
You still miss Gee, which is normal, but if you keep yourself busy fixing things on the boat will help you to pass the sour taste of the lonlyness, good to know you have two steering systems totally functional, safe sail my friend
Bra jobba – imponerende 🙂
where you buy what serial number.more info maybe somebody need this part
Du gjentar deg mye i dag?
Does not matter what you pay everything is made like crap last 20 years. I sympathize with you.
Focus & Persistence…very good job…WELL DONE…WELL deserved a Beer 👍😊
They changed from a T end to a Ball end in the steering gear , It pulled out in the first bit of heavy weather in the Benetuae i delivered , Why they change things that work for inferior parts drives me crazy , Great job well done , Be Free .
Great work on repairs to the helm. Great videos.
DHL ist the best Thomas😉Manny greets from Germany,Lübeck.🙂
Fantastic, because you've solved the problem thanks for sharing.
I loved your comment – “sailing is repairing gear in exotic locations”. Very brave to undertake a major repair in a foreign port!
There is nothing like plodding through some difficult project to reach a successful conclusion to make you feel good about yourself.
It has made your theme song seem so much more appropriate for your channel, cheers to more success.
Another great video Thomas. I thing Gee will be back by the end of January. ⛵️⚓️🎣🍻
Awesome job Thomas.
Good job Thomas!👍
Hope your feel well after the past few weeks!🥰🥰
You're making a generalisation when you talk about the French and I'd like to point out that the mentality is not the same between those who live in French Polynesia and the Caribbean and Africa and those in mainland France. No, we don't drink a bottle of wine for every meal, no we don't get drunk after midday and I can assure you that we are as reliable and as accurate, if not better, as anyone in your sh*thole of country !
Wow they seem to be hard work ,there is something to be said about spartan boats with less moving parts , marsadon catamarans with the tiller steer and basic infrastructure
Thomas you are inspiring and its absolutely important to be a top call mechanic – electrician and to know your boat and a good tool and small workshop on board, A tiny one
Great Video!
🇨🇦 Gee was the Best part of this channel as our kids like the role model of “ Single World Traveler meets Beautiful Mermaid Girl and fall in Love”….❤️❤️
And they Sail of into the sunset…..❤️
Fix the steering but not the relationship?
Priority’s Buddy.
Be creative and inventive with woman.❤️
Just think, Gee comes back your ratings will soar…❤️
We as viewers are nobody’s, she wanted you in real life.
Good luck looking for another in this world of rough seas…😂
As we say out West in Canada…
“Man up,
Saddle up “
Use anticorrosion wax ( dinitirol or similar ) where ever you have dissimilar metal mix, even with salt around, will drastically reduce the amount of electrolytic corrosion.
Still following ,stay busy, less time to miss your sailor friend.
In the end Bavaria is the boat designer and system integrator , they are responsible to specify components that are right for the size of boat and usage.
Nicely done Thomas. Hopefully you get everything you need to done before your Visa expires. Been there sweating to get my Sailboat outside of USA Waters before my Visa expired. I managed to get out into the Gulf Stream on day 88, then thanks to a Tornado Warning, ran for a Harbour of Refuge in USA with my Visa Refreshed , as no way could I have got through really big Seas in the Gulf Stream to get out of the Tornado Track in time. Phew, Visas. Best, Fair Winds, and Safe Travels. Bob in Wales. 👍⛵️✨️✨️✨️❤️
well done Thomas great job well done wishing you all the best.
What is a 'whyking'?
God seilas videre ⛵😀
Great news Thomas! I know you are in Fiji now but thanks for continuing to take us on your journey, even through the tougher times. Fair Winds!
Be proud Thomas! Great job and video!
Bra jobba Thomas. Sjønner att du har vert ute ei vinternatt før… mvh Jarle
A challenge is only a challenge till it’s over with. The next day you turn your battery off and then back on, and Reboot
Started your job and finished before the fourth sunset…you’re getting slow Thomas😊
Well done, heia deg !
You're a strong and good man. You have good guidance and confidence and a very capable sailboat. Wishing you happier times. Good job with the repair. Highest Blessings
Would Gee still have left if you had agreed to adopt that puppy?
That's the way to hang in there, and get it done. After a hard job the beer tastes much better!
Good job, Thomas. Getting closer to NZ all the time. 🙂
The reality of sailing in paradise. Thank you for sharing