Ce arata bine Cookin’?! – Lazy Gecko Sailing & Adventures

Ce arata bine Cookin'?!  - Lazy Gecko Sailing & Adventures

Am parcat Calypso pentru sezonul uraganelor, plănuim să plecăm într-o altă aventură. Înainte de a pleca, vom face niște reparații atât de necesare, care includ tachelaj pentru navigație și instalarea unui plit de gătit nou-nouț! Dacă vă plac videoclipurile noastre, vă rugăm să ABONAȚI-vă! Consultați pagina noastră web la www.lazygeckos.net Alte link-uri: Server: Vizitați serverul nostru privat vizitând www.lazygeckos.net și făcând clic pe VIDEOS Patreon: Deveniți un Patreon la www.patreon.com/lazygeckos Instagram: Vrei mai mult LGS? Urmărește Instagramul nostru public @lazygeckosailing Urmărește Instagramul personal al lui Brittany @lgsbrittany Link-uri la canalul Vimeo: Pentru a vedea imagini suplimentare distractive în noile noastre videoclipuri din sezonul 11, accesează canalul nostru Vimeo din sezonul 11 ​​la: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/lazygeckoseason11. alte sezoane Vimeo folosind link-urile de mai jos! Sezonul 10 https://vimeo.com/ondemand/lazygeckoseason10 Sezonul 9 https://vimeo.com/ondemand/lazygeckoseason9 Sezonul 8 https://vimeo.com/ondemand/lazygeckoseason8 Sezonul 7 https://vimeo.com/ondemand /lazygeckoseason7 Sezonul 6 https://vimeo.com/ondemand/lazygeckoseason6 Sezonul 5 https://vimeo.com/ondemand/lazygeckoseason5 Sezonul 4 https://vimeo.com/ondemand/lazygeckoseason4 Sezonul 3 https://vimeo.com /ondemand/lazygeckoseason3 Sezonul 2 https://vimeo.com/ondemand/lazygeckoseason2 Sezonul 1 https://vimeo.com/ondemand/lazygeckosailing


30 thoughts on “Ce arata bine Cookin’?! – Lazy Gecko Sailing & Adventures

  1. Propane? Really? On a boat? Why not an induction hob and save yourselves a lot of headaches, with gas, ventilation, canisters….? Otherwise, good show!

  2. Perhaps throw a nice cutting block that covers the burner and knobs when not in use. Avoid those pesky cantaloupe casualties 😂. And a little counter surface extension in the process.

  3. Good job on the cooktop. I've cut Corian before, and it's a bear. Very heavy also. My favorite part was when Capt. John was talking to Brittany's stomach. I was going to say Belly, but thought stomach sounded more upscale.

  4. What an Awesome time in life it is for you wonderful people 😊, Jeremiah you did a great job on that stove top, pretty much like you do on all the boat maintenance!!!! Now let's go jump in that sexy RV!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉 Nice to see John again and oh boy, it won't be long until that little tater tot is ready to pop!! Love you guys ❤️ and thanks for another cool video!! Cheer's

  5. Can't wait for the cross country journey!! Love the land travel venue..Hoping land travel will be easier on you, Brit…❤ You guys and be safe out there,A big fan…Brian..

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