Piers Morgan i se alătură controversatul influencer online Andrew Tate pentru a dezbate afirmațiile lui Meghan Markle de rasism împotriva presei britanice și a monarhiei britanice. De asemenea, ei dezbat starea Regatului Unit în comparație cu restul lumii. Andrew Tate explică că Meghan Markle nu poate acuza lipsa ei de popularitate pe culoarea pielii, deoarece sugerează că poate că reacția se datorează faptului că ea critică instituția patriotică care este Familia Regală. El spune, de asemenea, că consideră că afirmațiile ei de rasism în mass-media și în Marea Britanie sunt lipsite de temei și susține că este mai întunecat decât ea, dar nu a primit niciodată nicio formă de rasism, cu excepția online, pe care spune că o primește toată lumea. Abonați-vă pentru a fi la curent cu tot conținutul necenzurat. Urmărește-l pe Piers Morgan Uncensored pe: Twitter: https://twitter.com/PiersUncensored Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/piersmorgan… Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/piersmorganu… TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@piersmorganun… Urmărește-l pe Piers Morgan pe: Twitter: https://twitter.com/piersmorgan Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/piersmorgan Piers Morgan Uncensored este acum disponibil pe TalkTV, Fox Nation și Sky News Australia! #piersmorgan #andrewtate #meghanmarkle #tate #talktv #piersuncensored
Andrew Tate își dă părerea despre afirmațiile lui Meghan Markle privind rasismul în Marea Britanie
20 thoughts on “Andrew Tate își dă părerea despre afirmațiile lui Meghan Markle privind rasismul în Marea Britanie”
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Watch the full interview here: https://youtu.be/2QcZSVu3CCY
He is such an angry aggressive man , voice and expression .
Her manipulative scheme backfired. She had it all planned out to marry prince Harry and just take over the UK because she's bi-racial and become as popular as Diana. She will NEVER compare to Diana. Nutmeg is a scumbag. Any time someone didn't play her game she called out the "race" card. Harry is so dumb he went along with all her BS. He still hasn't figured out he's being manipulated.
The monies are being used to aid the influx of peoples from other countries. We are an island, our infrastructure is not able to cope with the thousands that are here and more coming. Now we have leaders with no Balls! Scared to be labelled racists! ! We have for many years welcomed others into our country but, when is enough, enough? Crime, out of control, Police downsized in funding and we pay the price in lawlessness!
I am a sixty eight year old woman ternally ill And I absolutely agree with the young man tate is much on the ball
Quatar is a dictatorship
Why are we even giving this ma air time
I'm so grateful for Tate, ever since I started listening to him a year or more ago. I've changed so much. My parents have finally told me there proud of me. Little do they know I only changed because of a man I didn't even know but took the chance on learning his
Andrew tate speaks the truth
Liberals are destroying the country, we have same problem in US president Obama was pouring billion for the Taliban, also gave billions to Nusra Front of Syria, president Biden gave Taliban billions in weapons and brought 100,000 Taliban supporters to US in 2021.
South African anti-apartheid leader Nelson Mandela was on the U.S. terrorism watch list until 2008.
Same in Croatia … everything lost
Multiculturalism and illegal aliens, homosexuality and transgender rights, gangs, pimping and drug pushing and using are all forbidden in countries like United Arab Emirates. Maybe if countries like Great Britain followed the same route as places like the UAE all the problems associated with these rights will disappear and we can go back to being the law abiding and safe society we once enjoyed.
Thank you Piers
Meghan markle is a NO CLASS woman
Piers has "weird" views on many things but he's obviously very smart and well informed…
What impresses me the most is how Tate's words (and presence) actually humble Piers and consequently bring out the very best of Piers's views and ideas.
Every answer given by Tate just makes Piers more and more eager to question him. And as a journalist, "true curiosity" is THE most valuable caracteristic to have.
LOL I'm by no means a Piers Morgan fan. But Andrew Tate? Why give this clown any screen time?
Im thinking his followers are rethinking the whole role model thing. Not many need assistance getting themselves arrested.
Maybe Tate would like to explain why he told Daria Gusa and her 14yr old classmates to drop out of school and strip naked on his webcams. What a Sicko. At least, unlike Tate, Jared Fogle from Subway was actually employed. 🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮