Ep.6 Următorul pas al călătoriei noastre de navigație bugetară

Ep.6 Următorul pas al călătoriei noastre de navigație bugetară

Urmați următorii noștri pași în călătoria noastră de navigație cu buget redus. Părăsim golful protejat și pornim spre Sapri (Italia) ne pregătim pentru o altă furtună și căutăm un șantier. Mică barca cu pânze cu buget redus #sailing #sailingjourney #youngcouple Dacă ați dori să susțineți călătoria noastră modestă în continuare… Implicați-vă – https://patreon.com/SailingonaShoestring?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_link a long way a coffee=joinm_content pentru noi chiar acum 😂☕️ https://www.buymeacoffee.com/sailingonashoestring https://paypal.me/sailingonashoestring?country.x=GB&locale.x=en_GB TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@louiseandsilas ?_t=8flbXax965C&_r= Instagram – https://instagram.com/louiseandsilas?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==


12 thoughts on “Ep.6 Următorul pas al călătoriei noastre de navigație bugetară

  1. Ahh thats amazing!!!! Looks like such an adventure! Also what a beautiful spot! good luck with finding somewhere cheaper to get out, cant believe how expensive it is!

  2. It is interesting to watch you starting from the very beginning sailing, the multitude of things to learn l think you should watch some of the sailing channels on utube. I recommend free range sailing for a start. Sailing UMA is also good. From this episode, always dive the mooring if possible, tie you halyards away from the mast to stop them rattling and the rope used to tie to the mooring hardly looked man enough for the job. The saying anything that can go wrong will. Applies in all things sailing

  3. For the life of me I can't understand why with the limited experience you both have you would even be referencing sailing La Vagabond…they sail on tits arse and a lot of money , there is a very good channel called "Searching for Coconuts" which has an extensive simple to understand section on just about everything you need to know on sailing a boat. I hope you folks have researched that services you need for the refit are available in the area you are contemplating hauling out at , the money you may save hauling out might get used up real quick tracking stuff down and getting stuff done if you know what I mean…Obviously it's your choice but worth contemplating.

  4. Sitting on my veranda looking over the Auck harbour, thinking, ‘ah, I wonder if those crazy Brits have uploaded another video’. Keep thinking out of the box! If there’s a question there must be an answer. Love the adventure! Stay safe.

  5. As I research sailboats, I’m looking at steel or aluminum. I intend on going high latitudes, so I hope metal will protect me more.
    I digress. In my research, It’s been mentioned that steel boats have a large zinc plate that is a lightning ground. Take my advice for what you paid for.

  6. lovely jubilee…..great new viewing ….interesting informative and full of adventures… this site will grow in popularity…⚓️🦘🇦🇺❤️

  7. I don't know, where exactly you are, but as you plan to go to Albania, you can't be fare from Preveza. And in Preveza for 2600€ I get my boat once in and once out of the water and have my 34'-boat stored on shore for one year. I can work and live on my boat on shore in the boatyard as long as I wish to. And if I need professional help from the yard, the I can get that work done (with an extra fee) also there.

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