Cum să câștigi bani pentru a putea naviga și tu în jurul lumii! (Întrebări și răspunsuri Zatara)

Cum să câștigi bani pentru a putea naviga și tu în jurul lumii!  (Întrebări și răspunsuri Zatara)

Spectacolul nostru este întotdeauna potrivit pentru familii și plin de aventurile scandaloase ale creșterii unei familii în timp ce navighează în jurul lumii. Este filmat, editat și produs exclusiv de noi șase pe barca noastră, Privilege 585 Catamaran. Prin urmare, ia familia și adună-te în jurul televizorului și petrece ceva timp râzând și aventurându-te cu Z-Crew! ***DORIȚI SĂ SPRIȚINEȚI Z-CREW?*** —CUMPĂRĂ UN BILET LA SHOW! Despre ce naiba vorbim? Faceți clic aici: –CUMPĂRĂ NĂSTE SWAG! Accesați site-ul nostru: și arată-ți dragostea pentru echipajul z purtand un tricou super moale; Ajută-ne să-i scoatem pe acești copii de pe barcă și să mergem la facultate! –CUMPĂRĂ PRODUSELE ȘI ECHIPAMENTELE NOASTRE PREFERATE! Verificați toate echipamentele de cameră pe care le folosim, găsiți echipamentul nostru de scuba preferat și echipamentul de zmeu, luați o pereche de Ray-Bans Keith… și multe altele! Am făcut echipă cu Amazon pentru a vă oferi exact ceea ce căutați într-o singură pagină ușor de navigat: ***UNDE SUNTEM ACUM?*** Consultați pagina de pornire a site-ului nostru web pentru locația exactă a Zatara în TIMP REAL! Navigație fericită! Renee & the Z-Crew ________________________________________________ Muzică în acest videoclip: Cântecul nostru tema: Float Away de Grabbitz #sailingzataraseason4


20 thoughts on “Cum să câștigi bani pentru a putea naviga și tu în jurul lumii! (Întrebări și răspunsuri Zatara)

  1. Hit the nail on the head; you gotta work, earn, and save so that later you can enjoy. But to have more rapid financial growth individuals need proper, safe and smart diversified investments to achieve whatever their finance goals are. Not everyone wants to wait until they’ve hit their 40s or even 50s to start heading in a retirement-like direction. I only have my HS diploma working utility, getting baked in Odessa, frozen in DFW, and served on a silver platter to southern mosquitoes the size of lawn darts and the money is really good, but investing makes it better. Don’t buck the system, game it.

  2. I have a biology degree and an MBA….worst investment ever! My mortgage sized student loans are like an anchor around my neck. They've forced me to miss great opportunities because I have to focus on short-term cashflow to pay the debt. And everything I do now I taught myself.

  3. The drilling company you owned and operated says a lot about you. Anybody that knows much about that line of work , knows the mental and physical drain that comes with it. So much to the point, very few could handle it. You have the personality and work ethic, you could walk on most jobs and be promoted to supervisor in no time. Attitude and drive goes a long way. edit You were taught or blessed with the ability to think outside the box. You SHOULD be proud, you worked hard to get to this point. The "must be nice" comments are humorous and sad at the same time. "Why can't i be on a boat ,sailing around the world ?" The answer can be found in the nearest mirror.

  4. Hey Kieth, what you said about the kids being boss, i did the same, preached every time over supper, they both became pretty good self centered and supported adults. Push em kids to their limits, but i a very fatherly way

  5. Don't worry about those who call you arrogant or cocky… It's just their egos. People simply don't like those who go against the grain in life. They like conformity. True, there is a place for education, but it's not everything. I'm 28 and I haven't gone to college (though I do have some credits) regardless I don't regret not going back. Now I'm just in a place in my life where I'm trying to "find my way" create a brand, a business, something that's…me. Because I think you have to discover yourself in order to do those things. You're raising your kids right.

  6. I both agree and disagree with you in your views on higher education. I sincerely believe that you can teach your views to anyone pursuing higher education, if that's what they are willing to pursue (in this case your kids). That's what I also did in my case… and I am really satisfied with my results. I totally agree that, without an entrepreneur spirit, a college degree will guide you straight into the rat race, and I don't know how that kind of life can give you any freedom. I had a sincere passion for becoming a Medical Doctor, and I enjoyed it all these years, so for me it was worth investing my time and efforts into it… however, I can also see how many of my colleagues should have probably considered doing something else (in the lines of what you mention), which would have made them much happier and would have possibly allow them to open their minds for capturing opportunities for eventually freeing themselves from the rat race.

  7. love your channel good vibes to you all and blessings..been posting your channel to my family on face book…because you are all it is nice to meet another inspiring individual..

  8. You are awesome parents! Teaching your children about community, the world, healthy relationships, how to live as free as possible. You are all an inspiration.

  9. Independent thought was actively discouraged at the public school I was required to attend as a young person. I’m in my 60s now and look back at my grade school days as an almost total waste of time. Having spent the bulk of my life as an independent contractor I can tell you that very little of my so called education contributed to my financial well being. You are in all likelihood doing right by your kids. Just ignore the naysayers, those are the people who are likely doomed to a life of servitude. 9 to 5 making money for someone else is a mistake in the long term.

  10. I can relate and I agree! 🙌🏼 I knew as a child that something wasn’t right with the whole school system. The PRUSSIAN AMERICAN educational system is for training to o obedience, rote/repeat. A lot of kids grow up and wait on what to be told, and can’t take charge and use their own intuition, they’ve been broken. It’s sad. Glad to hear you speak about education verses real knowledge.

  11. Just love y’all. So grateful to find like minded thinkers. So jealous of your kid’s upbringing. I ‘m 51 & finding it tough living in this country amongst so many narrow minded folks -my mom still suffocating me with that thinking. It helps to watch your videos & know these things I ‘ve always thought about are not crazy & there’s a handful of folks out there who also see the joy in not keeping up with or following the Jone’s, and instead create their own path. Your videos giving me a reason to smile & dream (again) of someday making out of this prison. Thank you! And thanks for influencing more humans (your kids & video watchers) to think outside the US expectations of the right way to “live” life. “Your comfort zone defeats your purpose.”

  12. What an arrogant attitude, your boat is built on pimping your children! A disgrace! How much were you worth prior to pimping your children?!

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