That Pitchpole – Povestea Statelor Unite ale Americii Nacra 17 pitchpole din Auckland

That Pitchpole - Povestea Statelor Unite ale Americii Nacra 17 pitchpole din Auckland

Ați văzut videoclipul brut al marinarilor Ravi Parent și Caroline Atwood ale echipei de navigație SUA Nacra 17, așa că acum auziți cum s-a desfășurat acel pitchpole epic în primele 20 de minute de antrenament la Auckland, Noua Zeelandă, înaintea Campionatelor Mondiale.


17 thoughts on “That Pitchpole – Povestea Statelor Unite ale Americii Nacra 17 pitchpole din Auckland

  1. This only happened because the skipper got pulled away from the boat and kept holding and pulling on the tiller. Any seasoned skiff sailor knows to push the tiller in a team bag situation. This was 100% self inflicted.

  2. This looks very dangerous and it is. I think this happened because the helmsman/woman kept holding the tiller. I would ask the publisher of this video to leave an instruction how to avoid this. Maybe there already is a video on this subject that can be linked in the description.

  3. J'ai soixante ans et j'ai navigué beaucoup de hobie cat 14 dans les années 1976 à 1980. Je regarde les vidéos de nacra 17 et j'imagine à quel point il doit être difficile de naviguer sur ce bateau. Vous êtes vraiment bons, félicitations.

  4. Pas mal enfantain comme si c'était fait pour les écoliers qui visitent l'Électrium …
    pour le CINQUANTIÈME aulourd'hui on doit faire une version SCIENTIFIQUE digne des innovateurs de l,IREQ

  5. I just wish they'd show the crash and the followthrough without all the stupid goddamn fake reversing-mast-bouncing-off-the-water bullshit.

  6. Looked like the main sheet was cleated, or at least he didn't release it? Not much time to react I know;)
    Someone needs to invent a quick release trapeze hook for situations like this!

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