Am cumpărat o barcă cu vele de 30.000 de lire sterline FĂRĂ s-o văd personal

Am cumpărat o barcă cu vele de 30.000 de lire sterline FĂRĂ s-o văd personal

În acest episod am văzut prima mea privire la Blue Spurr, un iaht de 38 de picioare în care investisem recent fără să-l văd vreodată personal. Urmărește cum echipa mă duce în prima mea călătorie, unde întâlnim o mulțime de animale sălbatice uimitoare și câteva situații RISCANTE. Este nevoie de multă învățare! Mulțumesc pentru vizionare și mulțumesc echipei OYZ pentru că m-a scos într-una dintre cele mai tari misiuni pe care le-am făcut vreodată și m-a prezentat în incredibilul Firth of Clyde!! Dacă doriți să susțineți echipa: Cumpărați-mi o cafea: Patreon: Acest videoclip a fost disponibil pentru ACCES ANTICIPAT pe patreon săptămâna aceasta, așa că intrați acolo dacă doriți să vedeți o mulțime de acțiuni din culise. Felicitari lui Rory pentru ca a devenit primul amiral! Echipamentele noastre; GoPro 11: Dronă: DJI Mics: Boatworld SIB: Ca întotdeauna, Mulțumiri masive lui Scott Buckely, nu am putea face asta fără tine! Găsiți-l AICI: Muzică de @ScottBuckley – lansată sub CC-BY 4.0.


38 thoughts on “Am cumpărat o barcă cu vele de 30.000 de lire sterline FĂRĂ s-o văd personal

  1. Love your enthusiasm…love your channel.
    Great to bring sailing to younger people.
    One thought (not a criticism) is when you goose wing then centre your mizzen sail so that the jib gets full force of the wind.
    Your mizzen was making your jib flog a bit and you want to maximise your sail area.

  2. Always the best! Cheers lads! Come to the US when you can. I’ll have the boddingtons chilled and waiting. I think Mardi Gras would love you guys. You could come for New Orleans excitement and follow on by isolated fishing in Grand Isle . My family could house you if you make it over.

  3. Looks like You and Your friends already had a lot of fun with Your blind date sailboat. 😀 From what I've read the Nics are great reliable sailboats and Your videos show that she apparently sails great and seems to slide gently through the waves. With all sails up she looks really majestic! Have fun!

  4. Outstanding stuff lads.
    Quick tip, its often worth sheeting the main in a bit when jibing so it doesn't have to go as far and delete someone with the boom.
    Looking forward to the next one 👍

  5. Keep going boys lovin the content and the ole boat. You have Blu Spur I had Czarina Blue, excited to watch you dreams unfold. Well done for missing that flippin race boat!,,,,,😮

  6. Good to see you guys enjoying life afloat. Chap was very lucky with that gybe. Best to haul the mainsheet all the way in when it’s getting a bit windy and then let it out once gybe. Gloves are not a bad idea if mainsheet not on a winch. Andy UK

  7. That looks absolutely idyllic, Team. What an adventure… already! I know nothing about boats, but it looks like yon Blue Spurr could do with a bit of maintenance: a lick of paint, and some varnishing. Winter in dry dock?

  8. For collision regs, both you and other vessel were on a port tack and you were the leeward vessel so you were the stand on I believe. However, you should prob have given them a bit more clearance by slowing down or bearing away and made your intentions clearer by making the turn to starboard earlier and with greater emphasis. I didn’t see any other racers behind that group so looked clear. Clean pants after that one 😉

  9. I would be so pissed if I knew a boat full of inexperienced sailors almost ran into my race boat. That captain made the mistake of assuming you knew what you were doing. Next time you see a race regatta give them a lot of space man.

  10. Well, that tack of them was outside your zone–as you like it 😉 For them, it was probably a lot more inside their zone because they are used to close maneuvers like this in races and their J70 has a fin keel and is very light, thus moves on a dime and reacts to the slightest trim. Beside that the trip went pretty fine, aye? I like your love and kindness of nature. Keep it on lads!

  11. Keep going boys! Loving the vids. Read up on preventers when running, maybe shorten main sheet when jibing and save the gooseneck. When I bought my Nic 38 the gooseneck was already broken, no gooseneck = no adventure. Fishing, try feathers above a deep diving plug, especially if you are under 4 knots, over that is a bit fast for a boat load.

  12. Great to see four regular lads living the life and looking out for each other. Makes the woke, self entitled brigade look sick.

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