Etapa 1 Ziua 10 Discuția (Ep.28) #sailing

Etapa 1 Ziua 10 Discuția (Ep.28) #sailing

Astăzi vorbim despre conversațiile de cuplu care au loc pe o barcă cu pânze și despre modul în care abordăm două filosofii diferite de navigație. Aceasta este o SERIE PASSAGE specială care prezintă VLOG-ul nostru ZILNIC pe care îl postăm (aproape) în timp real, datorită (NOUL nostru, redundant) Starlink. Scopul nostru este să scoatem puțin din mister dintr-un pasaj lung. ⚓ Alăturați-vă nouă în timp ce învățăm ce este nevoie pentru a ocoli cu succes și a face tranziția la croazieră pe croaziera. 🆓Canalul nostru de navigație nu este în prezent FĂRĂ REclame, dar există și alte modalități prin care puteți susține proiectul Outremer 52. 👍🏻 Dați like, abonați-vă, distribuiți videoclipurile noastre de pe YouTube sau consultați blogul, podcastul sau paginile sociale de mai jos. ⭐️Consultă noul nostru blog de navigație cu catamaran! 🎧COVERTCASTAWAY PODCAST oriunde ascultați sau transmiteți în flux direct la INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook. com/SailingAwen/ GRUP FACEBOOK: 📧TRIBĂȚI-NE E-MAIL: 🌎URMĂȚI-NE la ⛵️AWEN va fi prezentat la MIAMI BOAT SHOW! Ne întâlnim acolo!! Aflați mai multe despre datele spectacolului: OUTREMER 52 REVIZIA PROPRIETARII: 🎶 MUZICA de Epidemic Sound ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––– Buna ziua! Suntem Holly și Stephane 🇺🇸🇫🇷 Am făcut tranziția de la profesioniști cu normă întreagă a software-ului din zona Golfului SF la exploratori de croaziere care țin mereu cu ochii pe vreme și pe inimile noastre într-un cântec. Scopul nostru este să finalizăm o circumnavigație și recent am trecut la un catamaran de performanță și suntem îndrăgostiți nebunește de Outremer 52. Lucrăm cu Outremer în Franța (cu ajutorul Google translate) pentru a lansa proiectul nostru cu barca și a începe călătoria noastră ca vagabonzi navigatori. Deși nu este o cursă sau un test de viteză, facem prima noastră traversare Bluewater anul acesta și suntem încântați să o vedem pe AWEN întinzându-și picioarele și dansând pe apă. Alăturați-vă nouă în timp ce împărtășim ceea ce învățăm trăind fără Amazon, (dar cu Starlink) și încercați această nouă viață de călătorie și aventură pe ocean. Vă rugăm să aveți răbdare cu noi, deoarece continuăm să ne îmbunătățim abilitățile de vlogging YouTube. Scopul nostru nu este să ne transformăm viața într-un film, ci să dăm înapoi ceea ce ne-au împărtășit alții, motiv pentru care nu ne monetizăm canalul. Mai multe despre noi aici: #outremer #boatlife #catamaran #travelvlog #digitalnomad #lifestyle #sailboats #stayhealthy #learning #vlog #podcast #live #motivation #travel #nomad #boattour #sailingadventure #bucketlist #aventura #mediteraneana #nomad #pensie #aventura asteapta #ocean #invatare #orca © Sailing AWEN 2023


32 thoughts on “Etapa 1 Ziua 10 Discuția (Ep.28) #sailing

  1. “Two boats and it’s always a race”. How true is this. I am sure that Zatara is well aware of your location/speed and they are also doing their best to try to find ways to stay ahead of Awen.

  2. Unpopular opinion.

    I am more or less on Stéphane's side. I think that Holly is hypersensitive. From what I can see and hear, Stéphane is bending over backwards to accomodate Holly's stress/anxiety. He could SAFELY push the boat a lot more.

    Example. Staying up 2 hours after the end of his watch, to me, is meaningless. It wouldn't have been a problem even if he had played Poker online. If he sleeps 2 hours a night EVERY night is a different matter.

  3. This was one of the best “real” conversations I’ve seen.
    As an aspiring, but relatively greenhorn sailer whose spouse is coming to it with zero experience, the conversations around risk tolerance are prescient for the unpacking of anxiety which often accompanies our new sailing experiences.
    Thanks for sharing.

    Stephan you are one lucky guy to have such a patient and understanding spouse and sailing partner!!!

    Wishing you fair winds

  4. Great stuff guys. I,m sure by the time u get across the pond, and have full confidence in your vessel, you,ll be racing one another on manouvers. Refreshing, keep it up.

  5. In the current location with much traffic and near shore I lean towards Stephane – what risk is there to be tolerant of? Past the Canaries I'd lean towards Holly – I want buffers of resources, and sleep is also a resource. The current location does seem like a good time to explore and experiment with a new toy, I mean boat. The real risk is Stephane finding the secret stash – all that sugar.

  6. You don't know where the limits are until you find them then you define your safety tolerance. I think that applies to lots of things in life. No matter what, communication is key.

  7. I don't understand all the talk about how you act. You both need to respect eachother and give everything time to settle. It's like one is all the time pushing the other and vice-versa because of the new environment. Just give it time and be conservative at first. This should be obvious, otherwise take some pills, divorce or sell the Outremer. Anyway, you never told us how Jean-Marc thought about it 🙂

  8. It's very common that women are more conservatives, they tend the home and this one is sorta feels compromised all the time. The man is the hunter, he has to take risks to hunt and bring back dinner, so in general, so men are wiped to be more gunho. It will be interesting to see how you go with a very expérienced and unafraid lady captain onboard.
    99.99% of couples sailing are in your situation. It's a fact of our different wiring. Holly will learn to relax and trust Stephane. Trust plays a huge part.

  9. Hello, Le “tip of the day” dans chaque vidéo est une bonne idée. Les boules “extincteur” ont été fournies par outremer? Ou les avez vous acheté? Bonne navigation et belles vidéos

  10. Great point, for me fire is the most dangerous enemy. Fire can beat all your water tight bulkheads, flotation chambers for collision safety. Once a fire gets a hold of your boat, it's well and truly over!

    Those fire balls are basically brilliant and I don't believe there's a maximum number to have. If you can work them in to every electrical area, engine and generator area, every cabin and a stack of them in the cockpit ready the throw, even better.

    They're not expensive, not heavy and don't take up a lot of room. Plus THEY WORK!

  11. Thank you for the coonversation about sailing as a couple, it's like a complementary work, both expertise and risk mangement need to apply depending on the outcome needed and the weather condition to your destination etc. You have reached closer to Zatara and your sailing speed and track is better. Everyday is a challenge. All your tips are valuable and concerns change and that what's make life a great experience. There is no wrongs, it's the achievement that makes most of your experience on board. Enjoy your day at sea !

  12. you can prepare ifor your passages in a way that you feel safe to a certain degree, but you have to let go of the idea to have a plan for every thing thats coming along…..there is never security in life, but there is always a way to solve something that occurs in the moment…..don’t you overthink too much Holly…your worry will influece your ability to enjoy…..we are able to direct our thoughts into ease and positivity, just don’t allow your thoughts to create scenarios that let you be worried…..

  13. We are kind of like you (except just day sailing) where one is much more risk tolerant and the other is not. we are both very much learning what works for each of us as individuals as well as a couple. Coming from military background I am used to do "postmortem" after every "mission" – at the end of every sail, we get together and we covered what could have gone better AND what went well.
    You learn on your partner level of tolerance (not just risk) out of those discussions and together come up with "next time we will do x,y,z" … with that becoming "next time WE …" = you are not just developing the team works but also define together the tolerance. I sense you guys are doing it as well (at least the talking at the end of the day) which I think is super important.

    Maybe that what you also refer to as briefing …. but your briefing sounds like they are for much larger milestone… I recommend still doing the daily. I even encourage my crew to write things down so they wont forget things …

    but also agree there is the macro view and the micro view. both are needed.

  14. Thank you for these frank conversations! This is exactly about sailing and passage making. You’re the only sailing vlogers I know who are willing to address these potential conflicts among a couple crew publicly. Keep up the good work!

  15. Please try and chill Holy…Stefan is on a learning cure where adrenalin is keep him pumping…as a fellow skipper, its not unusual to go 36 hours without sleep on a long passage…on a 9 day passage last year from Les Sables to Mallorca, my average sleep was just 2 hours per night…Stefan will know when he needs his bunk!! Stay safe guys and have fun.

  16. This is a very good and important video, Communication is good and understanding is better. There are no set rules, they all need some flexibility in them. And maybe he need to run through the batteries/solar so you have a better understanding and the next morning you check and have a better gauge on how they work. Sleeping hmm my wife is the same , she loves her 10 -12 hrs of sleep where as me 6 is good. Also you 2 are both doing a massive sail straight up even though you have help it only eases the anxiety a bit. GL but enjoy.

  17. I love these videos so much! Thanks for sharing.

    Here are some of my opinions which may help you figure out AWEN’s risk tolerance is.
    1. Sleep: You have to trust your partner to judge themselves with their sleep. Telling them what to do is not kosher.
    2. Water: I would figure out what your minimum water requirements are for your next destination and never to have less than that on board. I know I’d be fine with 4 gallons per person per day.
    3. Fuel: Same as water. Have enough to run your motor for at least a certain percentage of your passage. Decide and discuss what that amount is for AWEN. For me 30% is enough. I am a pilot, and when I fly I always have enough to reach my destination plus another 45 minutes of fly time.
    4. Batteries: This depends on your batteries. I assume you have lithium batteries. They do not like to always be full, so discharging them is not a bad idea.

    I’d suggest figuring out now what the limitations are for AWEN and put it in writing. Once you’ve learned your boat you can change them, but initially I‘d suggest keeping it conservative.
    Just remember Stephan, it is your job to make your crew feel comfortable. If they are uncomfortable you are not doing a good job of captaining. You are cruising, so load a little extra since a few extra gallons of fuel and water will not kill your speed too much. Safety should be your #1 priority in any decision making on passages and especially ones like an Atlantic crossing on a brand new boat. Phew!

  18. I really appreciate you sharing how you both have two different perspectives. My wife and I are the same and especially when you’re in the middle of the ocean you need to understand and find common ground. 😅

  19. I didn't say before but always leave port with full fuel tanks, anything less is not smart. You are sailing a high-performance sailing catamaran so it's light to begin with and the extra weight could actually be a benefit especially selling to windward, the slight disadvantage of sailing off the wind I would think is negligible. Suppose Stephan gets injured or falls ill and Holly has to motor all the way to the next port, having enough fuel to do that could be the difference between disaster and not a big deal. .2 knots of extra boat speed is not worth cutting any corners to manage risk.

  20. All that said, blah blah blah, I really enjoyed both of you and your videos so you are doing an excellent job. Sail on!

  21. This was a great video with honest real time feelings from both of you. Very insightful and helpful. Would be good to connect directly. J

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