Navigați pe cele mai îndepărtate fiorduri de pe planetă [Ep. 132]

Navigați pe cele mai îndepărtate fiorduri de pe planetă [Ep. 132]

Imbarcați-vă într-o călătorie plină de adrenalină în timp ce navigăm în apele perfide ale sălbăticiei Patagoniei, înfruntând decizia finală între două rute periculoase! Alăturați-vă nouă în această aventură captivantă de navigație în care fiecare alegere contează. Vom cuceri sălbăticia sau vom ceda provocărilor sale? Urmărește acum pentru a experimenta trilul în marea liberă! #dangerous #sailing #wildlife #adventure Doriți să susțineți conținutul nostru, să obțineți informații din culise, actualizări în timp real și mii de fotografii din călătoria noastră? Alăturați-vă echipajului nostru pe: Patreon: Site-ul nostru: Cartea noastră scurtă: „Sharing the Journey” Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:


28 thoughts on “Navigați pe cele mai îndepărtate fiorduri de pe planetă [Ep. 132]

  1. Hello, I am a Chilean follower and I have visited part of Patagonia, it is common to find large logs floating in the canals, be careful with that… I love sailboats, I love watching your videos, much more now that you are in Patagonia !!

  2. FINALLY, a 2 person crew that knows how to SAIL. You 2 are a terrific team. Thanks for sharing Patagonia with us. The narrow channel was a dream. Didn’t miss the icebergs at all! Plus your excellent dancing routine was so much fun.

  3. Great episode again. Did love watching your sailing skills. Funny dancing as well. And… Roxy does her business while sailing. Great thinking and a bit of getting used to for her, in the beginning. Going back to the beginning of your channel I remember that Kate had doubts going for this adventure. I do not see any regrets going for it. And finally on upwind sailing. Your J46 has a beam to LOA of 1 to 3. Quite normal. As I found myself sailing upwind too often I went for a Waarschip 1010. Ratio 1 to 4. She was only 2.5 meters wide. Fractional rig with a headstay grabbing on 1 meter after the front of the bow. On an upwind leg I could sail circles around other competitors. But downwind………….horrible. I gave her the nickname "Submarine". A boat is always a compromise. Give Roxy a hug and wishing you fair winds and following seas (on your 46☺)

  4. Hey guys….great Chanell. Curtis I noticed you had a packet of pre-cut safety wire for your shackles. Can you tell me what you were using?
    Safe travels.

  5. Hola, Y'all, Just found your channel, I lived aboard for 15 years on a Dufour 27–a magical time–26000 miles under my keel, two solo transatlantics, and a LOT of time in the Caribbean aka Margaritaville. None of my close friends live close by, lol, the faces change but the crowd is the same, *grin*, Kudos for your content. Fair winds and Force 3. Fondly, (Capt) Dan

  6. Why? Its cold, you are alone, the weather sucks. Try the Swedish archipelago instead, that’s paradise. You are in hell now.

  7. Have you not thought about building a house there in the fjords, literally far from the world and civilization, and living as if you were American Vikings??? These are very turbulent times in the world and those remote, desolate and pristine places will be pure gold in the future; They can even serve as shelters against the radioactive clouds of nuclear bombs…

  8. Another great video. The ability to cut loose and have a great time is a really good morale booster. Curtis. Bill Withers would be proud of you singing "Lean on Me". Although I don't think he would be impressed. But you gave it a good shot. Kate mocking you and having a great time dancing was fun to watch. Best sailing channel on YouTube. Keep having fun, stay warm and stay safe. Bill

  9. What a beautiful adventure! I’m thinking you love playing on shore once settled in. I feel like I would collapse after dinner each night if I worked as hard as you guys … perhaps u are used to it 😊🇨🇦 ❤

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