Iernând barca noastră neterminată (MJ Sailing – Ep 311)

Iernând barca noastră neterminată (MJ Sailing - Ep 311)

Pe măsură ce temperaturile se apropie de îngheț, trebuie să găsim modalități de a trece prin frig. Acum că zilele sunt mai reci și de îndată ce soarele apune după ora 4:30, ne este din ce în ce mai greu să ne ducem la bun sfârșit munca zilnică. Nu numai că este incomod să lucrezi la temperaturi scăzute, dar produsele noastre au nevoie de o temperatură minimă de lucru pentru a se putea întări. Așadar, este timpul să pregătim barca pentru iarnă. Făcând o mașină în oraș, vizitez The Home Depot pentru foi de izolație. Nu se vor potrivi în vehiculul nostru așa cum sunt, așa că în magazin trebuie să le măsurez și să le decupez la dimensiune. Întors la barcă, este timpul să le punem la loc. Cearşafurile mari se îndreaptă automat către închiderea holului, iar restul va acoperi numeroasele noastre ferestre. Vârfurile înainte devin complet oprite, așa că acestea au nevoie de măsurători specifice și de folosire de la găsitorul nostru de unghi. Ferestrele de pe partea superioară a cabinei sunt ușor de trasat și tăiat. Odată ce avem puntea podului închisă, este timpul să pompăm căldura! Deși avem câteva încălzitoare electrice pe care le conectăm pentru zonele mai mici, atunci când dorim să obținem o pompare bună de căldură imediat, folosim încălzitorul nostru diesel cu un furtun care merge în trapa capului oaspetelui nostru. În cele din urmă, stocăm componentele pe care le folosim imediat în interiorul unui răcitor cu o pernă de încălzire în partea de jos. Acest lucru asigură că se depozitează la o temperatură constantă de 70, chiar și atunci când oprim încălzitoarele pentru barcă peste noapte. Sperăm să vă bucurați! Link către placa de încălzire pentru creșă: Link către lumini interioare: /B07NZCXZK6/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1 Link către lista de dorințe Amazon:


30 thoughts on “Iernând barca noastră neterminată (MJ Sailing – Ep 311)

  1. Some more J&M hacks. Containing heat, supplementing localized boat heat, maintaining a working temperature for boat products.

  2. diesel heater – hint have another pipe from inside as the air intake – saves heating freezing air – RV's do this – more efficient – also run heat pipe down low as it helps with air circulation – you know it makes sense

  3. Yall need to outsource 1 special project. Like painting the inside of the boat. Take a brief break. Then focus on the electrical and furniture. May save you 6-12 months in time you could be out sailing.

  4. Keep those window sized insulation panels for after you finished the boat, when you reach the tropics put them back in the windows shiny side out to keep the heat down in the cabin 😉

  5. Love your video's … …When you said you are behind i look at this way We all know if you rush building something things go wrong …your both are doing a great job ..Your cat looks so much like my cat but my cat is a male

  6. Hey MJ Sailing! Winterizing your unfinished boat is a big step towards getting it ready for open water adventures. Plus, it's so heartwarming to see Georgie the sea-going kitty doing well after a while. You guys always impress us with your attention to detail and preparation, like bringing your own tools to the store and being mindful of wire routing. Can't wait for the fairing work to be done so you can start fitting out the mechanicals! Remember, every step brings you closer to those open waters. Keep up the great work!

  7. You guys R funny. To HD on the day before and then just covering the windows. I think maybe you just spray foam the whole interior of that big tent and move in. Yea. The lounge area could be just "underneath there" and a kitchen area in one of the corners. Course then you might have to rig up a drain for the bathroom set up inside the boat. Yea. I could see that, a shower where you have the most progress in the boat then just a drain it outside. Aaand then a wood stove for keeping warm. Just have some cord wood delivered. A wood stove in the lounge area and another in the kitchen area. Then just start with the "OFF GRID" videos. Tell everybody that you've moved to Alaska. Yea. All good. So much fun. ~~~. Best wishes ~~~. ~ ✨🌸🌟‼🌟🌸✨~. Stumbling into perfection there MJ ~. Oh yea ✨🌸✨ ~. Not Worthy ~. from New Hampshire.

  8. The insulation must make a huge difference. Come to think of it perhaps insulaton would be help when sailing in higher latitudes and the tropics too. Save on the heatin and cooling. Lovely to see Georgie out for a walk.

  9. Not a boater. But I got a great common ground chuckle out of you cutting your product up prior to even paying. That’s my wife and I literally every trip to Lowe’s. The cashier folks are understanding… but when you pay for a bunch of extra cut, or the saw guy is just real nice and does a bunch for you, it can get confusing at check out. Keep up the great work and stay safe while you’re doing it. And warm.

  10. So, when is your plan to get the boat in the water and then finish off things you can do while floating? Sure seems you've been at it longer than planned? How much additional up grading has been added? I have enjoyed watching your boating adventures over the years.

  11. maybe it was all of them vacations and stuff that put yall so far behind. i havent watched in 2 months and it does not look like much was done. so whats the time line now for a finished product?

  12. Vi seguo dal primo giorno, grazie a voi ho anche comperato una barca in alluminio che ho ristrutturato seguendo molti dei vostri consigli. Vi amo, ma il vostro progetto sta diventando troppo lungo Forza ragazzi

  13. That was interesting when you went to the Home Depot for the insulation. I picked up the same line of products at the HD near us and I had a very similar experience as you did. The isles were filled with unloaded carts of materials and most of the insulation sheets were all banged up on the edges. There were just enough sheets that weren’t too bad to complete the project I was working on that day. I’m guessing that most of the HD’s in this area (central Ohio) all have resource issues, which accounts for a lot of material on carts and not on the shelves.

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