Pregătirea pentru VIITOR…

Pregătirea pentru VIITOR...

După patru luni lungi de reconstrucție grea a superului nostru Amel Maramu, luăm o pauză atât de necesară și vizităm o insulă turistică pentru o zi. Toți patru! Ne facem și ambalajele, deoarece ne așteaptă munca și bebelușii. Dar nu vă faceți griji, vom reveni pe Merewether înainte să vă dați seama! Alăturați-vă echipajului Patronii noștri sunt cei care fac totul posibil și fără ei, nu am fi acolo unde suntem astăzi. Când vă înregistrați, nu numai că aveți acces la toate videoclipurile noastre cu săptămâni înainte de public, dar aveți și o linie directă cu noi și încercăm să ne cunoaștem pe toți patronii noștri. Pune-ne o întrebare, dă-ne un sfat spune-ne ce vrei să vedem, ne place să vorbim cu echipajul nostru cât de mult putem. Mărfuri, cămăși și multe altele Paypal Instagram https://www. Facebook Sponsori și colegi UK Sailmakers – Predict Wind – https://


44 thoughts on “Pregătirea pentru VIITOR…

  1. I'm so excited for you two. Nothing like being a dad from my perspective . Momma you are seriously glowing! You two are going to be AWESOME parents.

  2. Where do I begin, I am SO happy for both of you beautiful people. By far, my favorite sailing show. The two of you are so real and your love for each other brings tears to my eyes. Having some Swedish blood, I feel they were a family. So looking forward to seeing you guys raise your twin babies. I did not know what a Amel was before your purchase of Massomo damaged boat. Now, I want every Amel video I can find. Your boat will be a delight to sail. Relax in the upcoming months because you lives are about to change with the birth of your twins. Keep the videos coming are time will allow. Love you guys. Sending this from Winchester, VA USA😊

  3. Good luck guys. I’ve only been watching since you bought the Amel SM but am hooked. Wishing you four a magical Christmas with family and a trouble free birthing. My twins are 25 now so I have an idea on what you’ve signed up for 😉

  4. Hang on, so the plan is that if the babies don't come out in Australia then you'll be very heavily pregnant and then fly from Australia to Sweden, because it's the perfect thing to do when very heavily pregnant with twins.

    Which means there is a good chance these twins will be born at an altitude of 10,000 meters or feet or something or other, mid air flying over an ocean from Australia to Sweden.

  5. I know I've set it before but you guys are absolutely so awesome! Please please please keep us updated from time to time even if it's just a short little video….. We care about you guys as well as your sailing adventures. But in the meantime enjoy the much needed break!

  6. Wishing you and your respectful families all the very best for the Christmas, New Year's break. Enjoy the family time this period provides.

    If we don't get to see you guys before the safe arrival of your beautiful babies, please look after yourselves, take the time to reflect, absorb and cherish each moment.
    They go so fast it all seems to be a blur so make sure to commit the moments to memory.

    Till then….

  7. as former medical professional ,I urge you to get specific training concerning baby and child issues ,plus extended medical kit . due to communication ease ,you can have most of the time back up from professionals ,but you have to be ready to do whatever procedure might be needed and necessary supplies and you need to be updated periodically . some might question your adventure with 2 babies ,but I think it to be wonderful ! your children will experience truly a family life ,instead of being sidelined ,due to work commitments of parents . so many adventures to be had together ,so many different culture, creativity and resilience lessons .wonderful! many , including me ,would keep the twins together in sleep and resting positions ,but you better protect the heads ,during rolling motions .
    sleeping pad and a traveling pad-bag (for dinghy rides and days in cockpit ) with twins touching ,but heads protected from bumping against each other with soft ,breathable material in between their head positions .you can create above yourself . another creation to consider would be to have a soft sided baby bathtub . I would consider to make one that fits securely wedged into the cockpit bottom ,between the benches ,as safe removable bathtub and as safe removable dry playground .
    wishing you all the very best . might get a well selected sponsorship from a new online schooling source, starting/preparing earlier than usual ,including inputs from your ongoing experience ?!

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