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S-a NAȘTE O Vânătoare! Navigație în Insule Remote | EE 142
20 thoughts on “S-a NAȘTE O Vânătoare! Navigație în Insule Remote | EE 142”
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The way that stitching disintegrated tells you the rest of the sail is not far behind.
So, I was made aware of those knives from your channel and bought a set. Love em. I use them for everything and haven't had to sharpen them yet and they slice through anything I throw at them with ease. I highly recommend them.
Please don't point spear guns at each other….. oy vey!
Why is the tender full of water?
Just enjoy seeing you two and your dogs sailing and enjoying life to it's fullest.
Always look forward to the vids! I was super looking forward to the diving actions and 100% did not let down! were you able to spear fish at all in the Azores, or was the water too dark?
It would have been a lot simpler (and safer) to have pulled the main all the way out on the outhaul, and then lowered the main with the halyard, taking it out of the mast slot, flaking it on the deck, and then working on the sail while sitting on the deck. No bosun's chair numbness and no time pressure to get it done. You could actually have stitched the batten pocket back on. The original thread holes make it easy to push the needle through the sail + pocket combo.
congrats on caring about your skin, wish more sailing channels did that
do you carry more dog food than people food on board?
You can pull your plug out of your dinghy while on step running to drain water in dinghy. While driving dinghy around will drain all water. Bayou tip from your admiring Cajun.
Have you tried pulling the plug on the dingy while motoring fast? Water drains completely.
7:47 I'll send through my resume immediately 😊
would it not help if you have your spear tethered to you with a quick release if necessary?
magnesium is best for cramps
Nice touch when you show previous recorded video to enhance a story .
i jus watch to see jade in her sexy outfits and here she does not disappoint
i actually like the content too but jade doesn't hurt
I shur like your grocery store better than mine.
Fantastic to learn from both of you and the dogs.
What’s happening now, is the boat still in Horta?