Ea primește Scared Speed ​​Sailing spre Loreto! Chuffed Adventures S5Ep30

Ea primește Scared Speed ​​Sailing spre Loreto!  Chuffed Adventures S5Ep30

Aceasta este povestea singurei clinici veterinare de navigație din lume. Ajutați-ne să continuăm să oferim îngrijiri veterinare gratuite devenind un Patron sau donând, Patronii au acces din timp la videoclipuri fără reclame și la actualizări live săptămânale. Link Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ChuffedAdventures Link de donație: https://www.vettails.com/donate Zeitățile navigatoare răsplătesc munca noastră animală cu niște vânt neașteptat, astfel încât să putem naviga rapid către ancoraje de lângă Loreto . În Loreto asigurăm și explorăm orașul. 00:00 În 00:28 Agua Verde 01:49 Navigare de mare viteză 06:23 Ancorat în Candeleros 09:27 Navigare către Loreto 11:10 Ancorat în Loreto 14:11 La Isla Coronados Mulțumim susținătorilor noștri care ne permit să ne continuăm misiunea . Multă dragoste, Dr Sheddy și Jim https://www.instagram.com/dr.sheddy_the.sailing.vet/ https://www.facebook.com/vet0tails


9 thoughts on “Ea primește Scared Speed ​​Sailing spre Loreto! Chuffed Adventures S5Ep30

  1. your tiller angle is telling me you are still overpowered, even after putting in a reef, you may have too much genoa (or the cut of the genoa is too powerful), your mainsail is not sheeted correctly, or your keel is not swung down in the correct position…maybe dive under the boat and check it at your next anchorage. I've had experience with my own shallow draft keelboat, and the balance of the boat (and hence the ability of the autopilot to cope) is key to sailing the boat fast and pointing up wind well. Those conditions should be a walk in the park for your boat. You need to be able to sail well in these condition to have control of your boat in much higher wind, without relying on the engine.

  2. I was kied to. Chuffed I've neen watching you all fir over 3 years on and off. The off has been you all. I thought y'all were independently wealthy. I was gonna see if i could borrow money from y'all for my first boat.

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