Plajarea cu barca noastră de 45 ft (prima oară. O idee grozavă…)

Plajarea cu barca noastră de 45 ft (prima oară. O idee grozavă...)

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30 thoughts on “Plajarea cu barca noastră de 45 ft (prima oară. O idee grozavă…)

  1. Hi everyone! Sorry for the delayed release (usually I try to get a video out every fortnight on Saturday). In any case I hope you enjoyed this one, we had a lot fun (or at least "fun") beaching the boat. Check out the aluminum prints that I'm offering at , this print run is only available until the end of the year! Thanks for watching!

  2. Welcome everyone to the Fourth Annual Sailing Channel Awards! First, a big thanks to all of our favorite Sailing Channels who helped us vicariously crew along with you as you sail around the globe. Second, thanks to all who voted and either viewed the videos or even became patreons to help keep the content coming! With that said, our Top Award for Best Adventure Sailing Off the Beaten Path goes to Alluring Arctic Sailing. Congrats on the great ideas, whether rescuing stranded boaters on freezing arctic beaches, skiing virgin Alaskan mountains while gently alerting Karhu, Karhuuuuu, beaching your own boat, or catching all sorts of fish for dinner, your filming is utterly fascinating! Please keep at it and we will keep watching.

  3. That is an awesome capability for sailboat. It certainly makes maintenance somewhat easier. What's the negative of a boat design like that? I know everything has trade-offs. If it gets pushed over, will that design still right itself in rough seas?

  4. Ventajas de tener la quilla detrás supongo. No sé como sera para ceñir, pero buen trabajo. Para eso uno de dos quillas sería ideal. Saludos

  5. interesting i am scared just watching. engine may have a cracked manifold… i did not know you could have an aft, centerboard. ha ha. ………………… all in all a good sailboat design. . ..

  6. Thank you for the lessons. You're quite instructive without being a know-it-all. You're honest and I admire you for that. You are a Sea Captain. And, as usual, your significant other lady, is not on scene nor photographed in actually performing tasks. Although, tell her we all know she is an intrical part of the crew and makes your show successful. Besides, she much prettier than you.! Blue skies. Cheers.

  7. Great job beaching the boat. Textbook!
    I didn’t know you had a rear daggerboard but it makes sense. And to be able to pull the centerboard up sailing downwind really does help while surfing 🏄 down the waves downwind!
    Good job working the tides. They can vary up to 25’ here in Juneau during the spring king tides. Before you said how you were going to do it, I was saying it out loud to you while watching the video! I had a 20’ sailboat with a retractable keel and beached it often in places I knew were mostly sand. A friend has a remote cabin and there’s a great beach close by and I’d beach this boat on an incoming tide, run up and check his cabin, then get back onboard and back out of the bay! Not only did the keel retract but the rudder would flip up (mounted on the stern) and still be in the water but above the bottom of the boat. Plus the outboard motor mount allowed me to pull the engine mostly up but still have the prop and water intakes below the water line. I once ran aground up the Taku River but just jumped overboard and pushed the boat off the sandbar! With the keel and other things up, it would go in about a foot of water!
    Cool idea about the bottom being somewhat flat on your boat. She was made to beach, which is a good idea of you have issues below the waterline and are in an emergency.
    I didn’t know about aluminum anodes. We only have zinc ones in town but I might try finding them online this winter. I haul my Catalina 27 out this coming springs to replace the flax in the stuffing box and replace the cutlass bearing, and will do bottom paint and zincs, so I might switch to aluminum if I can find them.
    Good episode guys! Enjoyed it very much. If you come back thru SE Alaska, come visit Juneau and I’ll play host!

  8. I like designs that enable lower cost of ownership. Every design has pluses and minuses for different sailing conditions, but helping to keep your wallet in the plus status is always a good thing.

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