Forțele americane agresive nu au luat nicio pauză și situația de război pentru Japonia sa deteriorat

Forțele americane agresive nu au luat nicio pauză și situația de război pentru Japonia sa deteriorat

(Partea 9) Urmărește videoclipul nostru „Forțele americane agresive nu au luat nicio pauză și situația de război s-a deteriorat pentru Japonia” și explorează poveștile nespuse despre curaj, strategie și onoare pe marea liberă în timpul celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial. Alăturați-vă nouă în timp ce ne adâncim în experiențele unui renumit comandant naval imperial japonez, oferind o perspectivă unică asupra războiului din Pacific. Asistați la provocările, triumfurile și spiritul de nestăpânit al celor care au navigat în apele agitate ale unuia dintre cele mai semnificative conflicte din istorie. Scufundă-te adânc în complexitatea războiului naval, pentru o explorare captivantă a laturii umane a războiului, în care fiecare episod dezvăluie un nou strat de rezistență, onoare și spiritul de nestăpânit care a predominat în mijlocul haosului războiului din Pacific. Link către lista de redare


22 thoughts on “Forțele americane agresive nu au luat nicio pauză și situația de război pentru Japonia sa deteriorat

  1. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Part 9 of memoirs of a Japanese Destroyer Captain, He was an Imperial Japanese naval commander during the Pacific War and the author of the IJN manual on torpedo attack techniques, notable for his skill in torpedo warfare and night fighting. He was a survivor of more than one hundred sorties against the Allies and was known throughout Japan as the Unsinkable Captain. A hero to his countrymen, Captain exemplified the best in Japanese surface commanders: highly skilled, hard driving, and aggressive. Moreover, he maintained a code of honor worthy of his samurai grandfather. He was as free with praise for American courage and resourcefulness as he was critical of himself and his senior commanders. He was the only IJN destroyer captain at the start of World War 2 to survive the entire war

    Here is the link of the playlist

    Link of Part 1

    Link of Part 2

    Link of Part 3

    Link of Part 4

    Link of Part 5

    Link of Part 6

    Link of Part 7
    Link of Part 8

  2. Please continue your excellent work. It's time that the Axis perspective gets known. However, mention of Japanese behavior to adversaries and subdued people should also find a place in your narration.

  3. The IJN’s main ship board AA gun was the anemic 25 mm. It is a shame they did not buy rights from Sweden’s Bofors for that awesome 40mm before the war. Heck, they should have adapted the GERMAN 37mm. The IJN simply lacked any mid range AA. They had the slow firing 127mm 5 inch for long range, albeit without any timed or let alone sensor fused 5 inch shells.

    This lack of effective air defense cannot be over emphasized.

  4. Do you know if there's any japanese captain's memoirs that talk about the atrocities that were carried out by the japanese forces . I realize that there are good people in the world in every country. But japan has still not apologized for the korean comfort women .We need to stop honoring without investigating.🇨🇦🙂🍁😊

  5. Notice in all the Japanese memoirs, they were always able to fight off dozens of fighters/ships until they were just worn down by endless streams of Americans. In actual numbers, the Japanese lost far more than they destroyed.

  6. It seems like pilots from all sides in WW2 were bad at enemy ship identification and worse at damage estimation, I think every ship in the Pacific was reported in flames or sunk at some point in the war

  7. This segment reminds me of a documentary about radar in WWII. It ended with the sentence: "The atomic bomb ended the war, but radar won the war."

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