Este un vânt puternic pe drum și decidem să coborâm spre râul Burrum pentru adăpost. E o cafea bună acolo. Navigam extins de-a lungul Coastei Australiei de Est cu catamaranul nostru de 13 metri. Alăturați-vă nouă în timp ce explorăm noi zone de croazieră, bare transversale, remediam tot felul de probleme, călărim în vreme nefavorabilă și trăim la bord pentru perioade lungi de timp. Avem chiar și o listă de redare care ne duce pe bărcile altor oameni. Sperăm că videoclipurile noastre îi încurajează pe alții să se îmbarce și să experimenteze acest stil de viață fantastic. Dacă doriți să ne urmăriți în timp real, consultați pagina noastră de Facebook …… Marfa Cruising East Coast Australia este acum disponibilă la:- /listing/motor-sailing-for-of-dudes.
Episodul 4 Unde ne putem ascunde
15 thoughts on “Episodul 4 Unde ne putem ascunde”
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Boat constrained by draft and unable to move in shallow waters
Boat constrained by draught , thanks Norm keeping our navigational skills up
Loving the questions great to learn a few things
Learning all the time. Thanks all
Loved the episode Lord Dude but I am somewhat confused. I noted the date on your calendar said NOVEMBER 2023, I thought you had gone down to your daughter's place at Phillip Island for Christmas, but then shot back up to QLD due to the inclement weather, but nbow I find myself asking WHERE IN THE WORLD IS CARMEN SAN DIEGO? Love that rainy weather mate. Great for sleeping in!
Whats happened to your Motor Sailing for Old Dudes pennant?
you break a toe hence the tape on your foot ? loving your vids as usual. Frank from Sydney
Thanks again Norm for your time and effort 😊
boxing bag – the crew do kick boxing
Enjoyed your vid so much Norm. We've always been hoping you would give us the tide height and minimum depth you encountered at that time and that way we can determine if our vessel with a 1.9m draft can get in on the appropriate tide. It was great that you did that and hope you continue in future episodes. Sorry we missed you as we left Jumpinpin just before you anchored Fri. Next time…..😅
Great video
Hey norm do you have a tow rag lol🤷
What I find most interesting is your knowledge off inland waterways. Old ior sailer
your vids are interesting, i want to rewatch it already💪
You have to have gigantic dreams to achieve gigantic goals🍑🍑🍑