Lăsați la elemente! – Casa neatinsă a familiei americane abandonată

Lăsați la elemente!  - Casa neatinsă a familiei americane abandonată

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37 thoughts on “Lăsați la elemente! – Casa neatinsă a familiei americane abandonată

  1. What a beautiful lovely home with lots of of memories, sad to see it got left abandoned to this strange, I believe their children probably in their 60 or retire already, I wonder why they didn’t sales the home and left it abandoned, thank you for sharing

  2. The house is a historic property probably purchased out of a catalog not unlike Sears or Montgomery ward. Looks like a 1920s Glendale style home based on the roof pitch, or Craftsman style home with a Carport, the Carport is super cool. Homes have a timeless Appeal, im not an expert but it appears to be. Looks like the type of house found all over America like the American Four square also a Sears Catalog home that dates as far back as even 1900.

  3. This a package home. You ordered the house and all the materials were delivered to you with instructions for you to build. Very popular in the 20s to 40s. They are very sought after now.

  4. Hello hello!!! ❤🤴
    Well i agree with you, this is the best American home you explored in the USA so far 😍 I am not a huge fan of American houses to be honest, i prefer the European ones. They have my heart! But i really enjoyed this one with you and it's my favorite video in the USA series. A really cozy home with really amazing and beautiful details inside of it and cute items. Sad to see it in this state, neglected and forgotten. Hope someone can at least save all these memories left behind and all the photos. And some rooms are really pretty. Thanks for this great adventure, see you next time. Bye ❤

  5. I totally enjoy Maureno's descriptions of things and imaginings of what the family was like. I wonder why and how they left with all their belongings still in the house! Although the European explores are cooler to me because the items left are often things we don't see in North America. Still this was very cool and nicely done!!

  6. Маурено, спасибо за интересное видео- исследование, удачи тебе, новых открытий, береги себя, будь осторожен, когда исследуешь незнакомые дома, привет из России🇱🇺😊 Надежда,

  7. It is possible that children who inherited the property they grew up in were so grieved by the death of their parents that they intentionally left it untouched. The place is a kind of memorial. If only the roof did not leak, it would be in good condition. They are probably unaware of the condition of the structure, or can not afford to repair the roof. While interesting to see how lives were lived in a home since the 1950' into the late 1970's or early 1980'a, we are invading their privacy.

  8. This was a great look into history of a family. So sad when the personal momentos, like photos are left behind. You would think the family would want those, if nothing else. The funishings could've been sold and would now be appreciated by another family, instead of rotting away. So sad.

  9. Que tristeza dá ver essa casa assim!😢 o casal foi muito feliz pelas fotos e viajaram muito. Depois vieram os netos👧🏼❤ morreram na casa mesmo será gente?? Adorei essa exploração 🇧🇷😉 Gratidão remon e maureno.

  10. Hey Maureno from super team Explomo, thank you for sharing this exceptional explore in that home somewhere in the USA. Some of the rooms still had such a time capsule vibe like frozen in time. Despite the rather massive traces of decay I could also see the fading beauty behind the decay. – The two bedrooms upstairs were indeed really beautiful to see.
    And I especially loved these three old cars outside the house. – When listening to your deep reflections about life and the end of our days on earth and seeing in your video all these lovely small ornaments and photos I couldn't help getting tears. Yeah, it is so true, we can't take anything, we are owning or collecting during our life with us into eternity. Wow Maureno, so meaningfully beautiful words!
    Wishing you fullheartedly only the best, peace and a lot of joy in the running new year. Kindest regards from Switzerland

  11. Every single video over seen of abandoned homes breaks my heart to see all the photos and personal belongings left behind 😢. I don't get how they just leave their past and family pix behind. Or why they don't want to share them with future generations.

  12. Some of the throw blankets thrown in corners and the knitted bedspread are definitely from the 1970's. Also the photos sitting around and in the photo album show 1970 cars. Clothing in photos is from the 1970's. I think that the 1954 calendar probably commemorated when they bought the home and the heyday of their family life raising their children was the 1970's. There children, if still alive, are now 70 to 75 years old. I live the white lace curtains and the old fashioned white sun shades that roll up and down behind those lace curtains.

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