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39 thoughts on “PRIN CÂREA DIAVOLULUI | Long Island Sound

  1. Siwanoy is pronounced Sea-Wa-Noy. I grew up in New Rochelle, NY. which was settled on the
    shore of Log Island Sound which was part of the pathway used by the Siwanoy Indians.

  2. A very nice and relaxing video. That one sunset was just stunning. I enjoyed the blue eyed black hooded skipper. 😅 I would really enjoy a short update video about where you are at. Until next time be safe but have fun. ⛵🇺🇸

  3. As a native Rhody who now lives in Alaska it was fun to see the bays shoreline which I have nearly circumnavigated in a kayak. Definitely one of the best bays in the world. BTW, most people do not know that Rhode Island and New York share a common border that you passed heading into Long Island Sound. When was episode taking place? I also liked beau's Berber look all bundled up.

  4. That was great filming and editing!! It'll be fun and rolly, with all the traffic in the bay. I remember watching Uma anchor out by the statue of liberty and the multiply ferries going by during the day.

  5. Never tell Beau any of your secrets. When is the video of the new boat coming out? We all know on YouTube, that is why you are sailing North. I'm guessing a 40 ft. Pearson.😀

  6. Beau looks like Nanuck of the North. In my younger days I spent many hours on the Sound. The Race is known for great fishing due the strong currents. Summers were spent in Branford Harbor. The Thimble Island are worth visiting, tricky no navigate, but fun to tour. Happy sailing. Thanks guys😊

  7. Beau, 65F is 19C, and that's a pleasant day here in Ireland. If you complained of the cold in those temperatures, we'd be calling you what some people affectionately call their cats!😂… Great video and beautiful sunset. Good luck in the Big Apple. "It'll be fine" … Stay Safe & Fair Winds!! ☘

  8. Coming from the desert I totally relate to bundling up an extreme amount. My friends in cold places think I'm insane but my body is just not accustomed to being below 70f. I am always ready to throw on my snow gear and hide from the chill.

  9. The tidal current running through the Sound really puts up a chop or standing waves at the east end. While transiting these waters and towing my inflatable dingy, the dingy nearly jumped into the cockpit of my sailboat when pushed by the following seas. After that day, I vowed to NEVER tow my dingy again, but to stow it safely aboard while underway.

  10. Love Manhasset Bay. Enjoy hells gate! Be sure to not bicker and to point where you want the boat to go. There can be some big boils in there, even at the best of times. I've seen boats going backwards and in circles… Yall are probably already through though 😀 how far behind are the vids?

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