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1984 Passport 42 Hull #33 Deplasare – 25.000 lbs Balast – 9.500 lire plumb (chila încapsulată neînșurubat) Marconi Cutter Rig Lungime – 42′ Fascicul – 12.75′ Tiraj de apă – 6.4″ Tiraj de aer – 59′
Bucură-te de plimbare de Razorspade Suncatcher de Wendy Marcini Viața unui bondar divorțat de Josef Bel Habib Lonely Calling de Arc De Soleil Întoarce-te din nou de Victor Lundberg
Begin with standing rigging can be done with several different types of materials not just stainless steel cables. That’s choice.
Great video, and congrats on the success of your HUGE job. Makes me glad I switched to Dyneema!
Well done, what a team. Really enjoyed the all hands in community approach and the expertise..
I did that job on my Furlex and was able to shove the new wire down the profile just like that. No messenger line necessary. Your video was well done.
Amazing ! Well done !!
So glad a previous owner splurged on Navtec rod rigging and that a subsequent owner had it surveyed and tested and had the rod re-headed.
Tell Steve that Tilley hats are guaranteed for life and that Tilley will replace his Tilley hat for free if he only pays the shipping.
That $5000.00 is a far cry from what it would have cost for a boat yard to do it. A good video learned a little from it.
ok, the ending ROCKED!!!!
DANGER WD40 NOT a LUBRICANT yes use a proper heavy duty Lubricant !!!!
That was awesome! Sometimes it takes a village. Nice team effort. Hope Steve and the crew make some cameo appearances in the future. 😂
Huge project! I’m sure you are happy to have it behind you.
Cool trick, melting the line.Won’t forget that one.Great video
The proper name for Those split pins are Cotter Pins . You guy's did a very nice job on the rigging ..
Actually an old halyard sheet with the inner braids & strands snipped off will fit over the whole cable like a Chinese finger puzzle. Adding very little to the total diameter, just need to tape it down on the cut end so it grabs the cable.
Fin episode! How much pr meter of that wire?
A great little series showing the rerigging using sta-loks. I really enjoyed it and learned a lot. Thanks for taking the time to go in depth with all the steps. Cheers.
Again – you need to use two halyards.
Great to see Kattie up the mast for an inspection. Sorry to hear of her High Anxiety and upset stomach. We have been into yoga for a period and have noticed being less anxious and our tensile strength has improved considerably. Great episode, your camera action is perfect with this tutorial and the explanation was extremely well done. Replacing our rigging several years ago cost us $21,000 so the saving was considerable. A huge thank you for this episode and of course to the many volunteers you had helping this refit.