Un iaht de croazieră cu zero carbon? Spirit Yachts 44e test barca | Yachting Monthly

Un iaht de croazieră cu zero carbon?  Spirit Yachts 44e test barca |  Yachting Monthly

Un iaht din lemn care este la fel de ușor ca o barcă de carbon, nu are combustibili fosili la bord, folosește doar propulsie electrică și pentru care toate piesele sunt reciclabile este o mare revendicare. Ea nu este o barcă de producție în masă, dar ar putea Spirit 44e să conducă calea pentru industria construcțiilor de bărci să urmeze? Theo Stocker s-a dus să afle. Urmăriți până la sfârșit pentru a afla cât costă și pentru mai multe imagini uimitoare de navigație. –- Abonați-vă la canalul de Youtube al Yachting Monthly la: https://www.youtube.com/user/YachtingMonthly/videos Abonați-vă la reviste la: https://www.yachtingmonthly.com/subscriptions/yachting-monthly-subscriptions Citiți mai multe articole de navigație la: https://www.yachtingmonthly.com/ Apreciați pagina noastră de Facebook la: https://www.facebook.com/yachtingmonthlymag/ Urmărește-ne pe Twitter la: https://twitter.com/yachtingmonthly ne scrieți pe Instagram la: https://www.instagram.com/yachtingmonthlymag/


44 thoughts on “Un iaht de croazieră cu zero carbon? Spirit Yachts 44e test barca | Yachting Monthly

  1. A stunning boat in every way. It reminds me of the old 8 meter cruiser racers I used crew on in the River Clyde in the 1960s. But – more than GBP 800,000? Just let that sink in. For that money you can get a fully equipped 3-year old Swan 50. The Spirit is a gorgeous toy, but for serious sailing there is no comparison.

  2. Maybe some day we will see least wind resistant hull keeling the sails. The stem keeling the headsails and the mast greater than 50 percent back to keel the mast and mainsail. A keel line to match the style and rigging…

  3. Nice I just have to win the lottery and this beauty could be mine 😉

    Hello Spirit yacht , dont you want to sponsorize somebody around the world ?

  4. Carbon is the most abundant and inert element in the known universe – don't be suckered into the fake climate change/zero carbon scam – it's a lie, it always has been. Science proves it (real science, not the bought and paid for corporate-type pseudo-science)

  5. Electric needs to become a mainstay of production boats, not just custom builds. Potentially infinite range and no noisy, smelly diesel should be an attractive feature.

  6. Lovely boat, decently reviewed by Theo. Not sure about infused wood for the decks. With such long overhangs the interior volume is more like a 33 foot boat.

  7. I find the craftsmanship and beauty utterly compelling. I think we all do ! (Not just the usual “wooden boat enthusiasts “!

    However. Why can’t we stop there ?
    What do I mean ? Well the claims of “eco” , “low carbon” , “green” , “environment friendly” … are arguably unnecessary. I’d go so far as to say untruthful, when you consider the big picture!

  8. Can't say I've seen anything so wonderful before, anymore beautiful and I wouldn't want to get it wet. It just looks as though it is made to make one feel good.

  9. Zero carbon my ass. What about the resin? Batteries? It's all a bunch of feel good nonsense. Besides that, it's a nice boat.

  10. Beautiful yacht, as usual from Spirit…..but…..please call it zero carbon emissions…..
    Not zero carbon….the whole boat is made from and built by carbon.

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