Legarea bărcii 101: Ediție specială! Alăturați-vă „Ghidului dvs. de apă sărată” astăzi cu peste 400 de videoclipuri instructive care vă arată și vă învață modurile de pescuit în apă sărată, inclusiv o comunitate activă de pescuit care postează rapoarte de pește pentru California de Sud în fiecare zi în aplicația mea mobilă! Alăturați-vă acțiunii! Aplicația pentru Ghidul pentru apă sărată este disponibilă acum în App Store și Google Play Store! Ghidul tău pentru apă sărată este sponsorizat de Promar & Ahi USA. #cleat #cleathitch #barcă #yacht #frânghie #dock #docking #boating #yachting #pescuit sportiv #pescuit #fishingvideos
Legarea bărcii 101: Ediție specială! #cleat #cleathitch #barcă #yacht #frânghie #dock #docking #boating
20 thoughts on “Legarea bărcii 101: Ediție specială! #cleat #cleathitch #barcă #yacht #frânghie #dock #docking #boating”
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What is a half hitch
That's not a rope That's a fraid knot 😂
Just do the do man… I never understood how these people can just talk and talk and talk.
Get to it is the way.
That's nonsense. Basically every overlapping roaping is fine. Physics will keep the rope tight. Are you done feeling important? Geez
In commercial maritime, you dont round turn. You immediately figure 8
Idk what its called but if you just put a loop through the middle of the cleat then pull it taut, it’ll have tension on both sides of the cleat
Dudes totally wrong
Spend half the video talking useless smack, less than a second showing “the right way”. Have my downvote.
no matter what hes done ,,, you are now liable for the boat if it breaks free or rubs the dock etc etc as you messed with someone elses moorings ,,
Negative sir, you put a full round turn on the cleat with your LINE, and then your figure 8's.
But please, not with this rope
Swap ends first after class is done. Good job bosun….
I did it the wrong way and funny enough my boat was between the only very few left tied to the dock after the storm/ hurricane 🌀 cat 1.
This is clearly satire!
Or he is on the spectrum.
Maybe he doesn't know.
Hmm idk I’ve always swore by OXO but this seems like it accomplishes the same thing
Holy fuck !!! Just tie the fucking thing !!! 3/4 in and you haven’t even tied it yet
If it works, its the right way
Proceeds to not show the whole video 😂
Two figure 8s then a half hitch