Ep. Construcție catamaran de 15 performanțe – O bucată complicată de placă de coajă

Ep.  Construcție catamaran de 15 performanțe - O bucată complicată de placă de coajă

Deveniți un patron, https://www.patreon.com/elcanoworldchallenge Dacă doriți mai multe informații despre Odisea 48, 55 sau 62, trimiteți un e-mail la peter@elcanoworldchallenge.org Construcția bărcii este în plină desfășurare… și Totuși, sunt încă îngrijorat de sponsori. Am trimis unul dintre fanii mei la Dusseldorf Boat Show pentru a crea niște oportunități, așa că să vedem ce se întâmplă. Odisea 48 de la Odisea Catamarans tocmai a început să fie construit în Vietnam. Proiectarea este finalizată, s-au făcut actele și acum fabrica a avut 4 zile să înceapă treaba și se sudează ca nebunii. În sfârșit așteptarea s-a încheiat, Elcano World Challenge va începe în 2024 de oameni. Dacă doriți să ajutați proiectul, atunci deveniți un patron și obțineți acces la conținut exclusiv. https://patreon.com/elcanoworldchallenge Dă-i cu degetul mare dacă ți-a plăcut acest episod! Ia-ți tricoul Sailing Into Freedom Crew: https://teespring.com/stores/sailing-into-freedom Dacă doriți să susțineți cu donații unice, faceți clic aici – https://www.paypal.me/Plukky Verificați unele echipamente pe care le avem pe barcă: Invertor https://www.amazon.com/Xantrex-PROWatt-Inverter-Model-806-1220/dp/B002LGEMOQ/ref=sr_1_5_mod_primary_new?dchild=1&keywords=marine+inverter&qid=148161&qid=148161 %2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sr=8-5 radio portabil https://www.amazon.com/Standard-Horizon-HX210-6W-Compact/dp/B07KN6LKVG/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=marine+keysword=1& radio&qid=1616102542&sr=8-6 (Ca Asociat Amazon, câștig din achiziții eligibile și apreciez foarte mult sprijinul dumneavoastră!) Urmărește-ne și pe Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sailingintofreedom Facebook: https://www. .facebook.com/sailingintofreedom Site-ul nostru: https://www.sailingintofreedom.comDă-i cu degetul mare dacă ți-a plăcut acest episod! Ia-ți tricoul Sailing Into Freedom Crew: https://teespring.com/stores/sailing-into-freedom Dacă doriți să susțineți cu donații unice, faceți clic aici – https://www.paypal.me/Plukky


28 thoughts on “Ep. Construcție catamaran de 15 performanțe – O bucată complicată de placă de coajă

  1. I just want to point out all that WONDERFUL space available on those hulls, mast, and boom to put corporate sponsorship logos.

    Can you imagine the return on investment given that this boat is likely to be seen by just about every catamaran enthusiast across the planet, regardless of their boat purchasing plans – this is, for me, the foil on which a lot of trusted sailing technology and emerging sailing technology will show off it's value most impressively.

  2. This crew makes some aluminum envying. The curves make such a strong and beautiful hull. Even better than the admirable start that evolved into ODC.

  3. While I truly admire the curves you often shoot under water, I must say that watching these curves getting eased into place is strangely fascinating. Incredible work by the crew here!

    Your expression when stroking the hull – priceless.

  4. I remember seeing breach loader power slip roller roll fustrums and over roll the curve 1% . clings to frames and you lower weight onto boat jacks to press that final midbelly weld tight. sombody else used 18” alu pipe as bottoms

  5. Question: I am sure you have heard in the past, especially the Olympics, where swimmers wore swimsutes with the out layer is live a shark's skin. This gave the swimmers an unfare advantage and were prohibited. There are other applications when this type of finishing texture was used. Food for thought: have you looked into the possibility of using this on the exterior hull of the new Cat?

  6. one or two BD's, its a small amount… Peter quit talking about your British viewers stature, or are you talking about something else 🙂

  7. Top stuff Plukky, pretty obvious now why so many aluminum boats are hard chine. Feeling that fairness of the hull must give you a little rise in the privates. 😛 You keep rubbing that hull, you're going to go blind. 😂😂

  8. Id charge people to rub her bottom , under supervision of course. Seems a long way from the night you went for a midnight dip with the epoxy putty and plastic bag . The night of the static electric perm and loose stools. These are great videos for somebody with an Odisea on their wish list. Its a comprehensive view of the detail, strength and craftsmanship that i dont think is available from any other builder. I think that when a man has gotten to a stage where he can afford a boat like this , he bloody well wont take anyones word that its well built. Just look at the lagoon 44 s and the toor a lee Colin caused when he highlighted the structural decay on his. Remember James off hawaii and the rachet straps holding body and soul together. Confidence in ones boat is not to be undersold . When youre caught out and youre asking yourself the hard questions, is she up to this, will she take care of me if i take care of her , Jesus i should have put a second jubilee clip on the raw water intake for the heads. Its a big deal when it happens.

  9. Don't trust the spring tension in those plates…Aluminium doesnt like being under stress especially with mother nature's forces acting upon it and flexing that hull.

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