Nava care se scufunda? Cracks In Hull Sailing 75 mi Offshore [Ep. 85]

Nava care se scufunda?  Cracks In Hull Sailing 75 mi Offshore [Ep. 85]

*Avertisment* *Imagini grafice cu barca* Coca se delaminează când descoperim apă de mare sărată care intră printr-o gaură a carenei noastre în timp ce navigăm la 75 de mile în larg pe un pasaj cu apă albastră în Oceanul Atlantic de Sud. Ce acum?! #sailing #sailingaroundtheworld #sinkingship Vizitați site-ul nostru web pentru urmărire live prin Predictwind: Alăturați-vă sau creați un echipaj pe Patreon pentru a ne susține munca și a obține detalii în culise în timp real: Urmărește-ne pe Instagram @ rucasailing Binge urmăriți toate episoadele aici: Vrei să ne sprijini fără niciun cost pentru tine? Cumpărați prin linkurile de mai jos pentru a ne ajuta să ne atingem obiectivele. Link afiliat PredictWind: Link afiliat Amazon: Link afiliat @Epidemic Sound: Cuprins 0:00 Kate navighează singur, în timp ce Curtis doarme. mai mult bluewater boatspeed 12:18 Dolphin Attack (glumesc) suntem aglomerați de o păstă uriașă sau școală de delfini care sar în jurul bărcii noastre cu pânze 14:48 Curtis vorbește despre modul în care funcționează B&G Sailsteer și pilotul nostru automat H5000 se orientează în sensul vântului sub spinnakerul 16: 57 Verificarea vremii și a traseului nostru în aplicația PredictWind Offshore folosind IridiumGo! 18:09 Manevre de navigație pe timp de noapte, debarcare de spinnake și traversare a navelor în întuneric 22:10 Curtis vorbește despre cum este tura de noapte în larg 23:05 Găsim daune și delaminare cu apă sărată care intră prin crăpăturile din carenă Despre noi Kate iar Curtis învață amândoi să navigheze când erau tineri. Kate era marinar junior în Opti’s și 420’s, în timp ce Curtis mergea în croazieră în Marele Lacuri cu familia sa. Ne-am cunoscut în timp ce navigam într-o regata Melges 24 și de atunci navigăm împreună. Prima dată când am mers în croazieră împreună ca un cuplu, a fost pe un prieteni împrumutat J Boats J 105 în Canalul de Nord al Lacului Huron și Canada (parte a Marii Buclei). Aceste câteva săptămâni și vizionarea altor canale precum Gone With the Wynns, Sailing Uma, Project Atticus, Delos, Nahoa și Sailing La Vagabonde, ne-au convins că viața de navigație era pentru noi. Ne-am cumpărat barca, un J Boats J/46, în 2019, după ce am petrecut ani de zile căutând barca cu pânze perfectă pentru a naviga în jurul lumii. Ne-au interesat un catamaran și monococa, dar ne-a plăcut designul de croazieră de performanță al lui J (este mai rapid decât majoritatea catamaranelor de croazieră). Am petrecut șase luni reamenajând-o în Rhode Island, înainte să ne vindem casa și mașinile, să renunțăm la locurile de muncă și să părăsim definitiv viața pe uscat pentru a deveni nomazi digitali, cu scopul de a naviga în jurul lumii prin Capul Horn. De atunci, am navigat împreună peste 12.000 de mile, prin furtuni, valuri mari, pandemii și blocaje. Am navigat spre Maine, Bahamas, Caraibe, Grenada, Sint Maarten, Azore, Insulele Canare și Brazilia, în drum spre sud, spre Uruguay, Argentina și Chile pentru a naviga în jurul Capului Horn și în fiordurile Patagoniei. Nu am intenționat niciodată să devenim influenți sau să începem un nou canal de navigație YouTube, dar acum este ceea ce facem. Ne place să vă împărtășim experiența și aventurile noastre. Am învățat să zburăm cu drona și să edităm videoclipuri, încercând să producem videoclipuri relaxante și ascultabile pe care să le puteți naviga și să vizionați acasă în timp ce beți o cafea duminica dimineața.


44 thoughts on “Nava care se scufunda? Cracks In Hull Sailing 75 mi Offshore [Ep. 85]

  1. I keep on admiring your sailing skills and calm reaction to issues, which cannot be escaped or ignored.. 
    These "Unidentified Floating Objects" together with abandoned fished nets are becoming more and more prevalent. Hope the damage, whatever the severity, can be repaired..

  2. "I may not have gone where I intended to go,but I think I have ended up where I needed to be."  
    Douglas Adams ( Dirk Gently.)

  3. So sorry to hear about the cracks in your hull! I think another preventer is in order……a governor set at 6 knots will keep the stresses on your boat to a minimum. Speed kills, and breaks stuff. Remember the story of the tortoise and the hare, will save lots of money and trouble. Cheers!

  4. Great vlog episode guys ‼️ Bummer on the hull leak😢😢 yet confident you will take care of it. Kudos to Brooke for the evening sail watch. ✨ 🌊 💨 ⛵️ 🏝 👙 🌞 ✨

  5. So a survey of the bottom was needed. You are great sailors and quick learners this is quite the lesson. Keep your spirits up that West epoxy system you used on the dingy is great stuff. Hopefully the racing didn't exacerbate the hull damage and the repair is manageable.🤞🙏

  6. Another great episode, you get a really good balance of technical info, just sailing, navigation, where you are and daily life in every episode ive watched .. well done.

    A thought for you, as a seasoned sailor, both cruising and offshore long distance racing, ive seen plenty of boats use preventers and whilst i personally wont use one due to the danger they provide from the over confidence they can create, I know many people who do. One thing ive seen time and time again especially with systems were the preventer is bow based like you have, is lines snapping (even super strong lines) or other hardware failures, eg cleats that you would never have expected to fail due to the sheer power that can be in the mainsail when it tries to jibe unexpectedly on a bad roll.

    Since the Preventer is a safety device, and one you obviously rely on, have you tested it? To test is is fairly simple, and can be done in sheltered waters, all that is required would be to set the mainsail in say 15 or 20 knots of wind, (no jib required your only testing the main) and then deliberately set your helm 5 or 10 degrees past gybe point. it may take a few minutes to actually gybe without rolling water to help, but it will do it, and make sure your both out the way of it when it happens. The guage of your preventer line i suspect may not be sufficient to stop the gybe and it would be better to know before you need it in a rolling sea!

  7. That boat in the middle of the night without ais was probably a Chinese vessel doing illegal fishing in Brazilian waters. Sadly.

  8. Bravo! on the way your preventer is rigged. A proper preventer is rigged only one way, and that is from the boom end to as far forward as you can get it on the bow, and then back to a winch in the cockpit. It is all about physics; example, a proper preventer would be about 1200 pounds (540 kg) as against some 7,000 pounds (3300 kg) or more on an amidships attached alternative! Of course, on a smaller boat the loads will be lower, but the strength of the gear will be lower too, so the dangers will remain. I have seen numerous booms broken from preventers set from mid boom to mid rail. I have enjoyed your channel immensely, be safe Bo S/Y Aurora

  9. Good engineering; or seamanship if you like, understands that every system has a weakest point—a fuse, if you like—and it pays to be mindful and intentional about where there point are.

  10. Curtis and Kate,

    I hope that the hull damage turns out to be a quick fix. Awesome sail and videos. That was more Dolphin than I have seen in one area; video or personal sightings.
    Thank y'all for sharing.

    Blue Skies, Fair Winds, and Following Seas.



  11. It's an interesting reminder that downwind sailing in light airs is actually pretty irritating! The very fact that there's a need for a preventer speaks to the bad things that can easily happen in these conditions – a far cry from the very romantic images of a brightly colored, billowing spinnaker eagerly pulling a sailboat across azure seas 🙂

    Nice teamwork on the takedown!

  12. Your subscriber rate should be through the roof. We watch some other sailing vlogs but no one compares to your skills when it comes to sailing. I can't wait each week for your videos just to see you sail. Someday I might even be familiar with all the jargon, but what an education for sailors. You guys are terrific.

  13. Nice work!!! We recently started sailing, bought a Catalina, invested in the repairs and hurricane Ian has severely damaged her. We are heading south this week to start doing the repairs needed, so we can get back out asap. Thanks for sharing, looking forward to watching more.

  14. Great video. Helpful hint on spinnaker sock dousing at night. When the shoot is up, mark the line that one needs to pull to douse with tape. In that way when dousing at night and the deck lights preclude you from seing the top of the mast, you will know which line to pull to douse.

  15. I live in Cedar Key Florida and they said Starlink was not here at this time yet. Today we got the dish and when we hooked it up we are watching you at this time on Starlink. This is fun because the picture is so clear. I remember Joe Anderson who was at a church in Belo-Horizonte Brazil when an angel appears and they called him tabasco because of his color. This angel came to Jacksonville Florida my hometown and showed up in a picture there. I have the photo but I don't want people to worship angels so I just tell of the event.

  16. Hey fantastic sailers I really love your videos!!!! Your autentic, real people and its really about sailing!!!! Keep going, keep loving each other, hope the boat will be okay so you can continue your fantastic journy!!!! Your both fantastic people! Warm greetings from Johan in Holland!

  17. Y’all have got your stuff together! So awesome that you teach as you go along, please don’t stop that! I’m 60 and trying to buy my first live aboard, y’all are inspiring!

  18. We had a rudder problem in Sumatra, repaired with glass and epoxy resin, but our hull was solid glass not sandwich. Please take your time thinking it through, perhaps waiting another season. Cape Horn is waiting for you. Another point is awards. How can I vote for Sweet Ruca as the best emerging channel?

  19. WOW. Amazing video. To date this is the best YouTube video about sailing I have ever seen. I can't get enough of this. You two are amazing. Thanks so much. Keep having fun and stay safe.

  20. OH Kate and Curtis you are killing me! Racing boats with only an auto pilot and very sensitive to weight are not voyaging boats! Sure it is a blast to go fast and I used to do that also but when I am 2000 miles from land in the middle of the Pacific in a squall I need a boat that won’t BREAK and so do you! Your Displacement/L = 160, mine is 400+! That says it all. Ben S/V DAWN in the South Pacific

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