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„No Israel Connection” – Mesaj ciudat difuzat de Superyacht | Clipuri SY
21 thoughts on “„No Israel Connection” – Mesaj ciudat difuzat de Superyacht | Clipuri SY”
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Love your channel always good content. thanks. uk
Reminds me of the businesses that put BLM signs in their windows in 2020, hoping that the rioters wouldn’t smash their windows because of it. And the rioters still smashed their windows anyway.
Only because they haven't found his connections to pootler yet. But let's face it, nobody is rich in rustya without having connections. Great reporting as always.
Flying Fox is on the US sanctions list and it will be sailing in the middle of the US Navy and British Navy providing protection to ships from the Houthis?
A commercial ship broadcasted "all Muslim crew"when it transited.
The boat broadcasting "no Israel connection" is owned by a Saudi royal which I thought the Houthis would love to attack since Saudi Arabia has been bombing the Houthis in Yemen for years.
Presumably the US government will recover their costs from the vessel's sale proceeds.
What is the percentage Russian owners of superyacht compare to the rest of the world
Not all Russians are sanctioned but almost all sanctioned individuals are Russian.
Makes sense in a muslim world, dunnit? Either that, or carry a shedload of weapons or Israeli weapon carriers… As to how that relates to Jewish operations? No legal requirement for accurate info on AIS, is there?
Lovely video nice work
Considering the Saudis have been at war with the Houthis in Yemen for years now, it could be called a tad ingenuous to say 'no Israeli connection', er but I am part of the royal family of the nation that has been intent on destroying you for the better part of a decade?
It might have been less risky to buy a second boat and keep it in the Indian ocean?
Just casually owns an airport in moscow . Bro what am i doing with my life
I bet it could be hacked to read something else?
Flying Fox is a real looker like Nord
Why doesn't the Arab yacht owner just say he is going to visit Mecca?
I thought you put clips on your clips channel?
Stop reading the comments -Joe Rogan
The arabs turned a blind eye to Gaza genocide except the Houthis. I think they would jump ship.