Repere zilei 2 // KPMG Australia Sail Grand Prix | SailGP

Repere zilei 2 // KPMG Australia Sail Grand Prix |  SailGP

Un alt weekend incredibil de curse pe portul Sydney cu un final de poveste. Abonați-vă astăzi Înscrieți-vă la programul de fidelizare a fanilor SailGP, The Dock la Urmărește SailGP pe TikTok, Instagram, Facebook și Twitter: @sailgp Fii la curent cu buletinul informativ SailGP: SailGP este de mare viteză, de înaltă tehnologie și de mare impact. Acest campionat mondial de sport combină tehnologia de ultimă oră, locații emblematice la nivel mondial, sportivi de elită și viteze record pentru a crea cele mai interesante curse pe apă. Echipe rivale din SUA, Australia, Noua Zeelandă, Marea Britanie, Canada, Franța, Danemarca, Germania, Elveția și Spania se luptă în locații emblematice din întreaga lume în curse scurte și intense pentru un premiu total de 5 milioane de dolari. Echipele concurează în catamarane F50 cu hidrofoiling identice care zboară deasupra apei cu viteze electrizante care se apropie de 100 km/h. Centrat pe fan și aproape de țărm, fiecare campionat SailGP culminează cu o mare finală de un milion de dolari, cu trei bărci, câștigătorul ia totul. #SailGP #PoweredbyNature


9 thoughts on “Repere zilei 2 // KPMG Australia Sail Grand Prix | SailGP

  1. As spectator and sailor myself, these highlights are sadly useless as they are missing all of the context. This series has amazing potential to make sailing a better known sport around the world, if it just would be explained better. And surely on the broadcast that is the case, but a lot of the audience gain will come from short highlights like this. But to make it entertaining we as viewers need explanation. Sailing is not F1 where you can scream about an overtake, but every little step of the race is carefully planned out by the crew. And if we want to acknowledge that, and create a story with excitement, we must get told about stuff like wind conditions and shifts, which site of the course would be preferred, is a team gambling pretty high on some gusts, how difficult the different starting positions are to pull off and the adrenaline that comes with it. If you can implement that, this will easily be the most entertaining sailing to ever be broadcasted and sailing would gain a lot of viewers. Story telling is everything for entertainment and excitement!

  2. They used to show each race fully not this infomercial rubbish. I looked forward to watching the complete race and every one of them.

    Looks like you’ve lost me! Time to unsubscribe

  3. who ever edited these clips needs to give them some breathing room, clip has barely started before its over, and not a single clip actually shows the context of why its important. Don't get whats the obsession to have it as short as possible, hard to gain a fanbase if casual observers cant even watch the highlights

  4. Yet another massive technical failure by SailGP: failing to provide 1080p60 video to Channel Three in New Zealand.
    What we get dished up is maybe 360p25 at best: unwatchable low quality garbage.

    FAILING to provide livestream at YouTube.
    FAILING to provide delayed coverage on YouTube.
    FAILING to properly inform fans how they could watch live.
    FAILING badly by uploading impossibly brief highlights whose only purpose appears to be to spoil the results.
    What an absolute disaster. What's the point in getting people excited, when you seem determined to disappoint us in multiple ways.

    You're trying to sell yourself as F1 on water. But if F1 treated fans the way you do, there wouldn't be any F1.

  5. I came to know Christ in jail in 2013 by reading a book, "Overcoming spiritual blindness" by James P. Gills MD. The veil was taken off my eyes. Heaven came through for me in my finances too, getting $25,000 monthly. I can support God's work and give back to my community. God is absolutely more than enough!

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