Un cuplu american dispare de pe iahtul lor din Caraibe

Un cuplu american dispare de pe iahtul lor din Caraibe

Ralph Hendry și soția sa, Kathy Brandel, au dispărut de pe iahtul lor, după ce trei prizonieri evadați au folosit vasul pentru a sări pe insulă. Abonați-vă: https://www.youtube.com/user/WVECTV/?sub_confirmation=1 Descărcați aplicația 13News Now: http://bit.ly/13NewsNowApp Accesați site-ul nostru: https://www.13newsnow.com/ Urmărește-ne pe Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/13NewsNow/ Urmărește-ne pe Twitter: https://twitter.com/13newsnow Urmărește-ne pe Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/13newsnow/


34 thoughts on “Un cuplu american dispare de pe iahtul lor din Caraibe

  1. the world has gone nuts. Probably not a good idea to being going on adventures like this any longer…not that it was ever completely safe.

  2. Sadly it's a possibility they agreed with Newsom and Trudeau that civilians shouldn't have the right to have guns for self defense

  3. Unaware, vunerable, naive and I hope they're still alive. (who's naive now ? ) Who thinks anywhere in the Caribbean is safe ? We all have a few friends that will tell you, "Oh, I never watch the news, it's so negative."

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