Această veste RAU schimbă totul… | Sailing Sitka Ep 104

Această veste RAU schimbă totul... |  Sailing Sitka Ep 104

Această veste proastă schimbă totul. În acest episod al navigării sitka, suntem blocați într-un ancoraj dur și, dacă asta nu a fost suficient de rău, aflăm niște vești îngrozitoare cu privire la barca noastră și planurile noastre de viitor de croazieră. Navigația și stilul de viață în croazieră pot fi cel mai bun moment din viața ta și cel mai rău… uneori sunt doar momente între ele. Vă mulțumim că ați urmărit episodul din această săptămână, vă rugăm să vă abonați dacă v-a plăcut și să urmăriți călătoria noastră… oriunde ne-ar putea duce.


22 thoughts on “Această veste RAU schimbă totul… | Sailing Sitka Ep 104

  1. Hope you are able to find and repair the leakage problem, without to much difficulty. The bain of sailors around the world either to much or not enough wind. Take care, be safe and toil on.

  2. Good luck with the rudder repair. If you dont have any onboard, try and get a few wax toilet bowl rings. I've used that wax on leaking shaft stuffings and rudder stuffings to buy me time until a haul out.

  3. Lots of wind at anchor overnight would suck. Especially in the pitch black! I guess you just catch some zzz's during the day when it calms down, eh? Just had her hulled out, too! Oh well, Jay can fix anything 😊

  4. When we get water up through our rudder post when bouncing at anchor tightening the packing nut solves the problem. We will re do the packing in May when we haul out. Could that be your issue? If so easy fix other than access to it.

  5. Not that bad y'all… y'all are learning as ya go. Sailed Cortez with my Dad and Uncle back I 1965 on a ketch heading to Costa Rica
    Shit weather and unpredictable.that sea scared me more than Vietnam! Kudus to both y'all, your badass And together nothins gonna stop y'all 👍🇺🇸❤️

  6. You didn't mention a fix on the rudder post leak. Hopefully, it has some type of shaft seal setup similar to the propeller shaft seal. Whatever it is, I'm pretty sure Jay is on it for a fix ! Take care…………randy

  7. Brings back memories of last season fleeing Northerlies in the Sea of Cortez all the way down the Baja. Many, many sleepless nights. Probably a good thing you didn’t have other boats in the anchorage to drag. Great video! You really depict the reality of living the dream😊

  8. I want a coffee mug saying "I am a ray of fucking sunshine". I can imagine drinking your coffee from a mug like that……..problems turn into managable challenges.

  9. Ugh sorry about Your bad news!!! That totally sucks and causes so much stress. This totally changes everything. No more leaving the boat in the water this summer. Well you guys always turn it around and make it work. So proud of you two. Miss you and love you so much. ❤⛵️

  10. Wow guys, 8 litres a day x 8 times a day!! I hope you get it sorted because there will be no leaving it in the water otherwise, as you say.
    The rock was awesome, shame the drone footage was not longer.
    Hopefully the weather eases a little, because although wind is great when sailing, it a damned nuisance when anchored.
    Another great video you two, thanks and sending love 💌⛵

  11. I also just found out last summer that I am allergic to bees after a life full of stings, and now I carry an Epi-Pen everywhere with me as well. Hoping the leak doesn’t get worse and you can tighten it up and you don’t need to haul out again! I‘l leave you guys with a quote I heard recently that I like. “The ocean is amazing, but it still has waves.” Nothing worth anything is truly easy.

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