Navigarea peste Marea Caraibelor / Filmul Sailing

Navigarea peste Marea Caraibelor / Filmul Sailing

Povestea noastră despre navigarea peste Marea Caraibelor din Jamaica până în Panama. Nu am fost la fel de ușor pe cât credeam că va fi Detalii barca Barca noastră este un Rival 34 construit în 1979, construit în Southampton, Anglia Actualizări în timp real -108277941367444 Ajută-ne să continuăm ÎNSCRIEȚI-NE CLUBUL NOSTRU BAC PAYPAL CUMPĂRĂ-NE O CAFEA STARLINK Vă gândiți să vă înscrieți la starlink? Utilizați linkul nostru de recomandare La înregistrare, dvs. și noi veți primi o lună de servicii gratuite. Mulțumesc. Vrei să porți niște marfă Sailing Brothers? Consultați magazinul nostru de produse în linkul de mai jos Magazinul de mărfuri The Sailing Brothers pentru Europa Cumpărați pentru America, Australia, Noua Zeelandă și nu numai https://the-sailing- Luke and Adam The Sailing Brothers #sailing #adventure #toughsailing Declinări de răspundere și drepturi de autor : Tot conținutul video de pe acest canal/pagină are drepturi de autor și nu trebuie utilizat fără permisiune. Toată muzica folosită în această serie este originală sau, folosită gratuit, fără drepturi de autor, folosită cu permisiune. Fără încălcări ale drepturilor de autor. Toate afirmațiile sunt opinii personale și nu trebuie să reprezinte neapărat fapte. Muzică în ordine Filamente de Scott Buckley Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Muzică promovată de Audio Library • Filaments – Scott. .. Muzică de LiQWYD: Young Love http://www.spoti .fi/2RPd66h Apel 5 min de Lakey Inspired ( Artist: Lakey Inspired ➪ https: // Song Fly – Descărcare gratuită KV / Politică de utilizare: • Fly — KV | Free B… Mai multe liste de redare: SoundCloud: Almost in F – Tranquility de Kevin MacLeod este licențiat sub o licență Creative Commons Attribution (https ://…) Sursa:… Artist: / Muzică de LiQWYD: Young Love http:/ / .co/2TZtpeG Song Nomyn – Wonder Soundcloud – Youtube – / @nomynmusic ⭐ Descărcare gratuită: ––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––– Muzica | „Sweet” de LiQWYD Vizionează: • LiQWYD – Sweet[O… Licență: Descărcare/Stream: Song, Scott Buckley – There Is A Place Descărcare gratuită:… Ascultă această piesă pe SoundCloud:…


40 thoughts on “Navigarea peste Marea Caraibelor / Filmul Sailing

  1. Love those deja-vu compilations! It is like revisiting the section before the current one and always good to remember those occassions. Those waves were not bad at all, but I think on the leg to NZ you got them even bigger at one point 😀 Thanks for the evening cinema and good night 🙂

  2. I've just read a few dozen of the comments left here by your growing list of admirers, and they are all full of praise and thanks. I was once an avid fan of some the big names in your sailing fraternity, but now I've gone from 8 channels to 2, because, for example, as much as I love seeing scantily clad young women frolicking for the lens, on cue, it drifts away from the real issue, which is sailing. Filled to the gunwales with technology and the latest this, that, all "brought to you by our sponsor of this week's show…" No thanks. Having spent many years at sea and with still lots to learn I, like most of your viewers, I really enjoy your candid and down to earth reports. You have my utmost respect, as, and I hope you don't mind me saying this, you guys have really put yourselves in at the deep end! 😁👌 You have taken on every challenge, not armed to the teeth with sonar and radar and satellite, but guts and nerve, and preparedness. Your learning curve had to keep up with the challenges you posed yourselves, and, as far as I can see, you are well equipped to keep going round and round, at your leisure, not claiming to be the fastest of your kind, or bragging about how good you are and all that pretentious nonsense. Please keep logging the miles, and please, please, keep posting. After watching your latest uploads on Monday morning mornings I'm good to go for the week! Cheers, Lads. Fair winds

  3. Loved this lads, two of the most down to earth people on this planet,
    Truly inspirational 👌🏻

  4. A great re-run of your lumpy crossing. It reminded me of the crossing I did from Cartagena to Panama. We had the same swells but in a following sea. I pooped myself for the whole journey to San Blas.

  5. Story time.
    Coming back from Cambell Island, heading to NZ blowing 35.
    We took back to back a 30+ foot breaking wave over the stern, literally out of nowhere.
    Rogue waves do exist.
    I still get a sickly feeling talking about it.
    Beyond scary.

  6. See I told ya, you don't need no stinking big booby broods on board to make a good sailing channel. I bet those British ladies would love to get a hold on you guys for a ride.. Give them blokes some cheese and following wind & we get to ride along ~ cheerio's & cold milk, a little sugar on top great edit ~~

  7. The Big Dipper's got nothing on Atlas 😱 Perhaps pre-cook before a 6 day passage as cooked food lasts longer in the fridge than raw – raw meat 3-5 days, cooked meat 5-7 days, raw chicken 1-2 days, cooked 3-4 days. Food for first day or two should be ok in a cooler/Esky.

  8. I've been following you since the beginning. It was great to re-live this part of your wonderful journey again. (especially from the comfort of my couch!). Love the camaraderie between you, how you know each others strengths and weaknesses and how much you rely on each other. Just two 'ordinary' lads from Cardiff. You're a lot more than that!

  9. Hey guys loving your content great and watching your channel grow, amazing watching two cheese munching sailing Brothers from Wales going through a life changing dream.
    Do you have content on jamaica on the channel I'm going in two wks 😊

  10. Hi guys, have you repaired your alternator? I just ordered a 60A for my Bukh, 120€. You can find it for 60€ reconditioned. good crossing.

  11. Great video my friends! Adam, quit muckin round and get yourself some cool shades like Luke has, you might be bringing down his cool level when you're both out in public… 😉😎👍

  12. Hey boys-?🎉🎉🎉congratulations on your movie- well done!
    Only notes I have are on the war crime of a breakie with the beans and vinegar…nuts….but you guys eat weird stuff so there. I just got back from Ireland and thought about how much fun it would be to sail around there. I was in Galway, Dublin and Belfast all reachable by boat. Keep on Truckin’ men- I appreciate being on the voyage. Hugs 🤗

  13. Thank you, boys. Through your channel I am living my unfufulled dream of bluewater sailing. I had to sell my boat due to my health But we never lose the love of the ocean. You say you feel lucky but remember, YOUR decisions and courage have got you to NewZealand and will get you home. Your honesty and insight to your daily life is an inspiration to everyone, sailor or not. There is noting to not like about your chanel. Go well my friends. Cheers and good luck. PS. Bouncy please

  14. Forgot to mention, I watched the vid with a novice sailing buddy. He was speechless but, more importantly, motivated to sail some more.
    He’s battled with his mental health since taking on & overcoming a serious general health issue; your story & adventures invigorates him.
    Well done you.

  15. Thank you for this lengthier episode, looking back and commenting on some of the lessons you’ve learned, and experiences thus far. I’m learning from your episodes and preparing myself and my own boat for a future adventure. As always, your mood and humour is so comforting and inspiring, love your laughter! Also your respect for the power of nature and for the greatness of what you’re experiencing!

  16. A couple of moments I felt that I missed when I watched your Atlantic videos the first time around was the shot you took of the side of the boat with both sails up was beautiful and that meal with the potatoes and gravy looked divine love your guys channel it’s nice also to see you both do recap videos like this while on your journey too

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