ep36 – Sailing Martha’s Vineyard – Navigare Massachusetts – Hallberg-Rassy 54 Cloudy Bay – august 2018

ep36 - Sailing Martha's Vineyard - Navigare Massachusetts - Hallberg-Rassy 54 Cloudy Bay - august 2018

s/v Cloudy Bay (Hallberg-Rassy 54) aventura navigației continuă cu următoarea etapă de navigare în Massachusetts. După ce am navigat pe canalul Gloucester și Cape Cod, în acest videoclip navigăm pe Martha’s Vineyard. Care constă în două excursii cu navigație: Prima excursie – navigarea de la Onset și sosirea în Edgartown – unde am luat o geamandura de acostare. Vremea a fost cam plictisitoare și am avut doar o scurtă vizită în oraș. Cu toate acestea, am fost foarte impresionați de descoperirea noastră. Vântul bun ne-a făcut să ne hotărâm să facem o mișcare în căutarea vremii mai strălucitoare, așa că navigând pe Nantucket am plecat! După câteva zile în Nantucket (vezi videoclipul următor), am navigat înapoi la Martha’s Vineyard. De aici a doua excursie cu navigație – navigarea Nantucket la Martha’s Vineyard. În a doua oprire, am ancorat în portul Vineyard Haven, lângă satul Tisbury. De acolo am avut două zile cu bicicleta Martha’s Vineyard. De-a lungul coastei de est, de la Oak Bluffs la Edgartown, și a doua zi spre est, până la satul de pescari Menemsha. Acest videoclip de navigație conține atât excursii cu navigație, cât și toate aventurile noastre de călătorie la țărm. Ne-a plăcut cu siguranță să navigăm pe Martha’s Vineyard, este unul dintre punctele noastre principale în timp ce navigam în Massachusetts și navigăm pe coasta de est a SUA. Niciodată un moment plictisitor în timp ce navigați pe Cloudy Bay! Nici măcar când vremea este plictisitoare. 21-22 și 26-30 august 2018 Articolele noastre de pe blogul nostru de navigație pentru fiecare zi petrecută în Martha’s Vineyard: Sosirea în Edgartown, Martha’s Vineyard după navigarea de la Onset: http://www.sailcloudybay.com/onset-to-marthas-vineyard/ Vizitați Edgartown: http://www.sailcloudybay.com/edgartown/ Sailing Nantucket to Martha’s Vineyard: http://www.sailcloudybay.com/great-sailing-nantucket-to-marthas-vineyard/ Ciclism Martha’s Vineyard, partea de est, de la Oak Bluffs la Edgartown: http://www.sailcloudybay.com/marthas-vineyard-biking-oak-bluffs-edgartown/ Ciclism Martha’s Vineyard, partea de vest, până la Menemsha și Gay Lighthouse: http://www.sailcloudybay.com /marthas-vineyard-biking-tisbury-menemsha/ Vizitați Tisbury și West Chop: http://www.sailcloudybay.com/marthas-vineyard-tisbury-west-chop/ Plecare, navigare pe Martha’s Vineyard la Cuttyhunk: http://www. .sailcloudybay.com/marthas-vineyard-to-cuttyhunk/ Și albumul foto Martha’s Vineyard pe pagina noastră de Facebook Sail Cloudy Bay: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1870039029753044&type=1&l= 34f1034658


27 thoughts on “ep36 – Sailing Martha’s Vineyard – Navigare Massachusetts – Hallberg-Rassy 54 Cloudy Bay – august 2018

  1. Your fellow cyclist is always smiling…..Thats awesome……What kind of bikes are they……I hope you had a chance to go to Cuttyhunk and Menemsha (order cooked lobsters from Larsons and watch best sunset) (I know you went by bikes)……I would never sail through Woods Hole…Props man…..lol..Not sure where you are now but the Newport Boat Show is this weekend…………..Love your channel guys……

  2. My neighborhood! so much MV footage but Nantucket is the superior island…seems you do not agree? or did you have so much fun there you forgot to take video? Subscribed!
    OK nevermind – I see the NEXT VIDEO alert at the very end – redeeemed – I await Nantucket video

  3. Thanks so much for sharing your travels with me. I've always wanted to see Martha s Vineyard. So beautiful as you say. If your ever up my way here in Alaska let me know would love to meet you both and show you around.

  4. Anytime, after the first of June till the first of September is good. The warmest time and the long days are the end of June first part of July. When I say warm its 60 to 80 Fahrenheit. Ran Sailing just brought there sailboat up from Hawaii in July. They have video’s online you can see what it was like.

  5. Around 3:40, right before Wood's Hole, to starboard you passed by Hadley Harbor, which if you didn't make it to, ahhhh, too bad. Next time! It's a beautiful sheltered spot, completely surrounded by trees, Towhees singing, should be deep enough for you though getting in is narrow and twisty. You can dinghy over to Wood's Hole for supplies, etc. Really, if you're in the area again, make HH a priority, you will not regret it 🙂

    And for what it's worth, round these parts we pronounce it VIN-yerd, not vin-YARD 🙂

  6. Hi guys. Your videos are wonderful. They show with detail the wonderful coasts of the United States. Described very well over a hundred years ago by the great Cap. Joshua Slocum, who was the forerunner of sailing, and who brought me closer to this wonderful art of sailing, many years ago. Keep it up, I will follow you. regards.

  7. We saw your awesome bikes. As we are still looking for good bike onboard our Amel we would like to ask you what bikes do you have there on board?

  8. It's not barnacles, it's the tidal currents..Earlier they were running against you..Then slack tide and then running with you..Very strong through that area because of the banks…Just discovered your show and liking it very much.. Thanks

  9. Wow…one year now that I dream of your HR boat!
    But that Martha's Vineyard is so lovely…..makes me doubt now!
    Thank you for the nice cycling shots
    Go covid safe…cheers!

  10. I noticed that lots of you tube sailors
    rarely tack
    I have seem you tack at least once
    but why do you tube sailor rarely tack or gybe they rather tuck in sails and turn on engine

  11. You didn’t document your Woods Hole passage! Best part of the trip! Looks like there wasn’t much wind, so it probably wasn’t dramatic

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