Marinar antrenat în Maine, prima femeie care a navigat singur în jurul lumii

Marinar antrenat în Maine, prima femeie care a navigat singur în jurul lumii

Cole Brauer a făcut istorie după ce a navigat singur într-o cursă în jurul lumii, fără oprire și fără asistență. Familia ei locuiește în Boothbay Harbor.


10 thoughts on “Marinar antrenat în Maine, prima femeie care a navigat singur în jurul lumii

  1. First to “race non-stop” solo, but not the first woman to sail solo around the world. A real good book is Maiden Voyage by Tabia Aebi. She was 18, from New York, and was only accompanied by her cat. Really good read. Great accomplishment of Brauer though!

  2. Not to minimize Cole's accomplishment but she is the first American woman. A tremendous feat when 10 or so men dropped out. There have been an Australian, amd 2 Brits and a South African Kirsten Neuschafer last year in the Golden Globe race.

  3. NO, Kirsten Neuschäfer (South Africa) sailed non stop and unassisted around the world , she WON the 2022 Golden Globe race!!!! She sailed via all the great capes (no canals) and with no GPS or other technology available after 1968 (except some safety gear).
    Kay Cottee (Australia) was the first female to sail unassisted around the world in 1988.
    Laura Dekker (New Zealand/Netherlands) is the youngest to circumnavigate the globe at 16 in 2011.
    Naomi James (New Zealand) sailed around the world using all the great capes in 1977.
    Ellen Macarthur broke the record for the fastest circumnavigation .
    Jeanne Socrates (British) is the oldest person to circumnavigate singlehanded, she did it at 76 in 2013
    There are others, I believe the number is still under 10.

    I don't want to diminish Cole Brauer's accomplishment, but calling her the "first woman to sail solo around the world" is SOOOOO wrong.
    Cole Brauer is the first USA female sailor to sail around the world and She finished 2nd in the 2023-2024 Global Solo Challenge on March 7, 2024

  4. Might want to check your facts. Kay Cottee sailed around the world solo unassisted in 1988. Cole has done a fantastic job. But your title is wrong. Other notable female sailors Laura Dekker and Jessica Watson, both teens who sailed solo around the world. Naomi James and a quite a few others.

  5. She's not the first woman to sail solo around the world. She's the first American woman. Heck, four years ago there were multiple women who sailed solo around the world during the Vendée Globe, in less time, on bigger boats. Check your stories.

  6. This is a tremendous achievement, but get it straight, she is the first US Woman to sail solo non-stop around the world, there have been many other women to accomplish this. Just last year Kirsten Neuschäfer WON the singled handed non-stop circumnavigation. Still an amazing feat, Brauer is the first American women to do so.

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