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Cea mai CRITICĂ parte a remontării bărcii noastre | Pasul 382
47 thoughts on “Cea mai CRITICĂ parte a remontării bărcii noastre | Pasul 382”
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I'm not quite getting it, why you keep investing in that old hull? Couldn't you get something bigger and better and make a blank canvas out of that instead?? 💖
Thanks for leveling with us where Uma is in the rebuild/refit process.
This video on very high level 🙂
What modeling software you using?
I would have liked to see Uma with a hard dodger including integrated solar👍😎
I really dont understand this, wy in the world are you making so must out of a so old boat, i know that no mather how big you gonna rebild this boat it will never be NEW or cloce to, is not that worth….
“Freedom units”??? Sounds like something from a political persuasion. At least you’re going to the much more sensible metric based hardware.
Kika and Dan. I have said before, what a team you are. Best,best,best of a TEAM.
you really missed an opportunity to title this video something witty about leveling
Your biat is scrap.
I think Kika enjoyed correcting Dan and counting "level" a little too much. Very wifey.
I know its nit picky but level is used to describe a flat horizontal plane, plumb is the term for the vertical plane.
Is that a Salona Yachts sailboat? Could this be a little secrets in plain view?
😂 if you ask me, I would say you are building a new boat using good old uma as a template. 😉👍
Everyone else sailing has bought a brand new boat while you guys are gutting and redoing your old boat over and over again. Yo must love this boat. I would say just buy a catamaran and call it a day.
I still love your videos. I'm hoping you don't mind me giving you some advise regarding the levelling of UMA. When using a water level make sure that you note the time of day that you take the first measurement and that when you are rechecking that measurement that you do it with in a 30min time frame of the initial time of the measurement. The change in atmospheric conditions will make a difference to the volume of the water due to warming or cooling of the , thus changing the actual level. it is also worth noting the condition of the time of day that the measurement was taken , this is less of a factor unless there is a significant difference. One last thing with your laser level when you are moving from one position to anther it is advisable to switch off as most laser ,when switched off, will lock the laser pendulum preventing distortion to the lasers accuracy.
When are you going to design a production boat? You both have a great eye for design and years of sailing experience.
Hey guys, you progress sounds good. Please do make the effort to level the boat. It will prevent a lot of potential mistakes and really is not difficult to do on a boat this size. Best of luck with the major refit! J&J
What software is that on the ipad is that? Thanks. Also as always another awesome video.
You will probably get mad at me, but I think you have made a massive financial mistake rebuilding this boat. The money you have spent so far and the money that you have yet to spend could have bought you a bigger and better boat without all the issues you are dealing with now. But this is what I would have done. I do hope that you get this thing back in water safe condition and I expect it will be better than before…just good luck with everything.
I don’t understand why you are spending so much cash on such a old boat. I mean you are doing major surgery on this boat. WHY ????
ps: utube doesn't allow replies, so here is my response to your message.
Actually a lot LESS to go wrong! (with infusion) Because you have the opportunity to test the vacuum bag for hours before releasing the resin into it. Have your expert detractors done overhead lamination on large motor yacht swim steps, one shot lamination of engine beds for160 ft motor yachts, 60 ft catamaran hulls and complex lamentations that required that required the resin front to crawl up into a coaming cavity and over potential air traps? I have.
And the fiber density is 20-30% higher and material use waste elliminated.
Dang, i haven't seen their vidies in a long time, and they still haven't gotten anywhere. I love these guys, but dang. I can't be the only one who feels this being drug out too long. Again, not trying to be nasty. After all they got me interested in boating in retirement in 7 years.
Have you gone to Haiti yet? I worry about you guys going to that island. It doesn't seem safe there now. Don't take any chances!
This video is really next… what’s the word, oh, level!
“Freedom units.” Love that. 😁
If you had been as old as me you would probably also have said…"the heck with this, lets look for a "newish" used boat"..?
Man i am so excited for the finish especially with the electric motor and what comes with it. More space maybe? just way more convenient without the oil, and fuel.
Please do not point the laser level directly at your eyes … yes its realtivly week and will not cause imdeiate damage but its still strong enough to cause harm if its hitting long enough. Either wear safty glases or at least try to not point at your guys eyes
Could you guys take a couple of heavy duty truck jacks to do fine tuning leveling adjustments (With some wood pillar spacers to buffer and take up empty room from ground to boat)? I don't know if that would be dangerous, or too much trouble since it looks about perfect. But it might be easy to adjust it just enough with one or a few jacks, slide in some shims, and then adjust it more with the other jack/s, or use all jacks to stabilize then add shims.. I love how you're going about doing this remodel. Can't wait to see the building phases.
Nice to see you two are on the level with your renovations. Cheers from Winnipeg.
Call me crazy, but WHERE YOU GUY GETTING all this $$$…from…. Have you discussed with us viewers the cost of all of this ???
Dying to know
Oh I have a new term – "Freedom Units" for metric is my new goto – and I'm really enjoying seeing the tools all out and being put to hard work.
Did he say freedom units?
I suspect your attention to detail with the level will pay off, but I doubt it needed to be that precise. In my experience fiberglass boats bend and flex a little bit anyway, especially when hung from a lift like that. I'd expect it to shift a little when they switch from the hanging straps to the jack stands, just because the location of the stands will be loaded different from the straps. Still betting the remake/remodel is going to be amazing!
Those are some "flat see's" !!
Buy a better boat, will workout cheaper
Since you are using the water line from the previous interior configuration. Don't you think that after you reconfigure with different bulkhead locations and furniture locations that she might ride higher or lower in the water in the front or back? Just sayin. I get you don't want her way off in the whilst sitting in the yard while you do the work. But can you really project with this kind of accuracy where she will be once complete. Luv your videos by the way.
Sailing Uma is doing their level best …
Omg.. I wish you guys well ! Many months ago I asked you guys how long the rebuild would take, and I believe Dan said at least 6 months.. Not sure how far behind the videos are, but I hope you get to sail this season!
You’ll think I’m wacko but please install solid rails…always hated cable life lines❗️Just sayin,,,,, Love you guys. Thinking of Kika’s family
Hey Dan,
It seems to me that your support jacks are going to adversely affect everything that you do, with inward warping pressure.
Ideally you want to be in a no gravity environment. Impossible. Otherwise, the boat should be suspended from the rails with no straps, and a hull free of influence.
How do you get around these limitations?
Manually ratcheting off 150 nuts? Is… NUTS! Air powered or electric. SOOOOO MUCH BETTER!
You guys are way too careless with hearing protection!!!
Hey Dan,
"The bow is off by 1cm", you say.
Is it?
Is the laser level mounted in plane with the water line? Because any deviation from plane, the curve of the hull will mess with the line.
Use beeswax on the zippers to prevent corrosion. 🤙🏼
Suggestion for a Shorts video: parts of Uma that remain untouched…