Navigare cu laser extrem | norvegian

Navigare cu laser extrem |  norvegian

Clip de navigatori laser norvegieni: Muzică:


35 thoughts on “Navigare cu laser extrem | norvegian

  1. Reminds me of sailing on Lake Ontario. We sailed out of Oswego and you get some huge rollers and wind. You keep the small craft behind the breakwall to help with this. I have been out on some bigger boats when it is 6-7 foot swells.

  2. If they were not racing would they still be capsizing? In other words, could they tack and jibe without capsizing if they weren't trying to sail as fast as possible or are they taking more risk than necessary?

  3. I used to race on a reservoir in Lincoln, Nebraska will stationed at Offutt AFB. Wind really blew out there. Capsized twice in one race and still finished in the middle of the pack. I can remember a death roll on a dead run to this day. (It was around 1975)

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