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Putem construi o barcă cu experiență ZERO??? Navă cu pânze Delos Ep. 452
23 thoughts on “Putem construi o barcă cu experiență ZERO??? Navă cu pânze Delos Ep. 452”
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The cat is out of the bag! MASSIVE changes are on the horizon for us, and we are so excited to take you all along on the journey with us! We've been getting so many amazing questions about Delos 2.0 and our upcoming plans, so we decided to do a LIVESTREAM Q&A for our Patrons Saturday March 23rd. If you want all the inside scoop on Delos 2.0, lots of other exclusive bonus content, early & ad free access to all our videos, direct messaging with us, and lots more, consider joining our Inner Tribe on Patreon. Learn more at http://patreon.com/svdelos
I'm thinking that you and Plukky have been having a chat at some point as you are now on the same path as him.
Really looking forward to this. How do Aluminium and Glass Fibre boats compare weight wise?
Get your visa permits sorted so you know where you stand with immigration unless you plan to fly out periodically to avoid overstays.
Ohh Brian Brian Brian…….Don't try and tell us you don't know Schmitd, we've been watching you for YEARS!!!! You know Jack and Bull.
I have family in brisbane area , gonna be a sweaty good time. Maybe i can visit and help out onnthe build ? Congrats 👌🏻
Boom roller fueler ??
Very happy for you both! I look forward to the build series. The achilles heel of aluminium boats is obviously corrosion. I noticed that the first hull showed some serious consideration of the potential issues. One thing I noticed was that all of the deck cleats had been welded onto the hull. It would be great if you covered the strategies employed in the design to prevent, identify and repair corrosion.
You’re good. This is exciting, albeit an about face! 🙏🏻♥️
What…? What…? You've never welded, and you're going to WELD AN ENTIRE ALUMINUM BOAT…? OMG…!!! Aluminum is like trying to weld rice paper..!!! It's like using a hot knife, to hold back butter. eeeeeeekkk…!!!
I love Delos spent one hell have a good sale boat but I can't wait to see what this next once capable of
On behalf of all Australians we would love to have you guys in our country building your next adventure! Welcome and we also have some exceptional trades people here who will help guide you guys to build an amazing boat 🙂
No offense, but boat building just ain't my thing. Then again, I'm not in the ranks of the multitudes of armchair handymen that seem to frequent these types of channels. What I like about sailing channels is the sense of adventure and the way they can take you away to exotic locals (not to mention girls in bikinis). How long will this project go on? Prioritizing having the ultimate boat (at the expense of years of your life) over just getting there seems to fly in the face of what this channel has traditionally been about. I understand wanting to upgrade the boat, but why not just buy another one, make a few compromises, and get back out on the water where you belong. Especially since you have a large following who wants to see you out there. I feel like if they go with this decision, it will be the end of Delos as we know it.
I hope you can protect the alu good. It will corrode fast , but repairs should be possible.
You just earn a new subcriber
Looks like Plucky's boat from sailing into freedom.
Anybody else going a little nuts here? I've always loved the Chris White Designs Atlantic 47 & 49 and thought there should be an aluminum "latitude" version, then along comes Garcia and builds a beautiful aluminum cat but configured for the "dock party" set. Suddenly out of deep blue heaven comes this design and I'm yelling at my computer that someone has been farming my thoughts! A protected helm, protected & ergonomic sheet and sail management, a protected "balcony" for a stern deck, a monster solar deck, no lifting centerboards to loosen or jam or clunk, straight shafts, protected rudders, bomber keelsons, drive her onto the beach for repairs or a bum scrubbing…
On and on…
I must sail this boat, I must…
Googling "how to make big money fast" that should work.
Go Delos go!
Share everything, take us with you on the whole journey. From designing to drawings to materials etc.
Very excited to watch this build in my home town. Would be interested to lend a hand when needed. I'm an Ex-sailmaker, have built wooden boats, welded Aluminium.
Mechanical engineer here! I think people like to see/hear about how a design goes from a computer model to a final product, and all the steps in between. And maybe a highlight on why things are the way they are; sometimes the smallest detail can have a massive effect. Looking forward to the next step in y’all’s journey!!!