Astăzi vreau să discut despre un nou documentar care tocmai a fost lansat, expunând câteva detalii șocante despre trecutul lui Meghan Markle. Documentarul se numește „On Board: Behind the Scenes of the Luxury Yacht Industry” și conține interviuri cu mai mulți membri ai echipajului de iaht care au lucrat la mega iahturi în timpul lui Meghan ca gazdă de iaht în 2013 și 2014. Mulți dintre voi poate nu știți. asta, dar înainte ca Meghan să-și găsească faima ca celebritate și să se căsătorească cu familia regală, ea a ocupat niște slujbe neobișnuite pentru a ajunge la Hollywood. Unul dintre acele locuri de muncă era să lucreze ca hostess și barman pe iahturi de lux în California. La acea vreme, Meghan se lupta ca actriță și avea nevoie de bani, așa că și-a luat postul de gazdă de iaht, care plătea în jur de 100 de dolari pe oră. #princeharry #meghanmarkle #katemiddleton #princewilliam #princessofwales #lilibet #archie #royal #kingcharles #reddit #redditstories #textstories #revenge #revengestories #aita #appletext
Meghan MAD with RAGE pe fondul prezentate într-un nou documentar despre yachting, expune serviciul ei ieftin de 100 USD/h
44 thoughts on “Meghan MAD with RAGE pe fondul prezentate într-un nou documentar despre yachting, expune serviciul ei ieftin de 100 USD/h”
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I really think the RF were OK with this as it meant they could offload Harry onto someone else – they figured no one else would marry him. He did boast to his brother 'she will do anything in bed'.
Meghan Markle true colors came out
Knew uncle Andrew that's why she had to go back to usa.was to shy to face royal members
The pictures don't lie. So, for her to deny them is futile and pointless, like her pointless despicable exsistence.
The palace knew all about this, that is why she had to leave
Sha has nothing to ruine her reputation.
She has none
Corny news!
Her character toward her family and telling her pinoquio to do the same that's her real character to hate others of zealously
Her behvior and body language revealed her early … H you didn't shoot the golden bird 🤣🤣
Yachting and Polo ? What Audience are these programs aimed at?
She was more than bar staff for sure. Basically, a dopey Prince in our RF has married a yacht girl, in the UK we call them prostitutes.
Maybe just attended the rich and famous parties on board the yacht when Meghan was working BUT NOT involved se….ly with her.
Oldest profession in the world. £100 cheap just like her .
That's a lot. Look at the pictures of Kate Middletown with pictures to prove it with Richard Brandon making 40k a day and once she confessed she haven't been seen since. You people are horrible
Meghan Markle should be in jail. She is a prostitute and connected with the organized organization and the FBI is looking into her actions.
The Queen knew all about Harry's wife before he married her and asked to wait but the his girlfriend then tolt him she was pregnant. She never was of course.
Harry is well used to "Having other men's leftovers" allegedly.
Where can I watch this documentary?
Prince and the callgirl😂
Pursuing the oldest profession clearly.
I wonder how much Andrew paid her? And she told Harry she didn't know Andrew. She said something about thinking he was an employee. Lol. Yet she was friends with his daughter, AND loved following Britain's royalty.
So called royals have nothing to with dignity. They are real dark entities. Not even human. Predators on humanity.
Well I new it would come out in the end yea she was a taught girl for Jeffrey Epstein and Weinstein as she would being the girls in
Ops not taught it is yaught
Sleazy? Why is she described that way. How about the so called rich men ? She is conducting a business proposition. Nothing wrong with working your way to the top. leave the woman alone.
Wow, don't mess with William he will go low to get even. Nice play Meg.
Why would Megan deny anything knowing that you all are gonna think whatever you wanna think anyways. So why waste her time and effort! And I totally agree with her.
New film for Disney – Haz and the Tramp.
This is nothing new it’s the oldest profession in the world , the Duchess of the bedroom how much who do you think you are a member of the royal family i will be one day when I meet the ginger one he’s not fussy 😩
Living the life of royalty? Get real.
Most people that do that line of work are desperate or forced with Meg's it was neither it was just for a lifestyle
Least when hasbins kids grow up and hear all about their so called mother from mean kid's and people they can tell them their real mother was a donor they aren't related to her
Shes no royal
Once the children grow up to read about mommy dearest it will be very sad.
Haha as if Smegma was a bartender
She a wh*re and nothing more simply a mattress actress
The title was so appropriate…Duchess for sex. (Sussex). Just like her name Markle
Really adore her high Spirit to get well known in the world by what ever act she could take .. but too Greedy made her Pandora Box open wild to the world ,, loser is the RESULT good job woman
The only real acting job long term she had was in suits and that was it and if she would’ve stayed with it, she would’ve became more popular but instead like always she think she knows better and that she’s better than everybody else and she can not associate with these kind of people on the set of suits, this woman is insane and somebody needs to put her in rehab get her help
She was a prostitute for rich men
Shame on her. She never should have been allowed to marry a dirty person
She’s broke!
where can this documentary be found?
I carnt wait
Working girls, most of whom live in poor countries and are supporting their kids, parents, siblings… are humble. Megan is Satan.