Joey Diaz – MADtv (2001) Sopranos Skit

Joey Diaz - MADtv (2001) Sopranos Skit

Copyright © WBTV #JoeyDiaz #madflavor


36 thoughts on “Joey Diaz – MADtv (2001) Sopranos Skit

  1. For those who dont know this was about those ratings they used to give out for tv ma ,tv 14 ,etc also syndication , like how they used to show south park at 3am on public television with heavy edits 😅

  2. Will sasso could legit continues Gandolfini's legacy as Tonny in Sopranos and nobody would complain. This is more than an impression of him as more of an extension.

  3. “Joe, you wouldn’t believe me if I told you but I laced the gabagool with crystal THC and me and James gandolfini saw the devil COCKSUCKA!”

  4. This is spot on with the character looks and wardrobe and Will's voice/accent is like perfect. Very impressed

  5. Whoever created this skit was amazing.
    I remember the battles SNL v Madtv and 😮‍💨
    Need some Gabagool over here!
    Like I was saying

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