Părinții mei mă ajută să navighez!

Părinții mei mă ajută să navighez!

O mulțime de lucrări sunt făcute în săptămână. chiar se adună acum. să sperăm la un catarg în 3 sau 4 săptămâni! Instagramul meu: @boat.fella Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wildlingssai… Întrebări de afaceri: thewildlingsofficial@gmail.com Mulțumesc foarte mult oamenilor incredibil de generoși care folosesc linkurile de mai jos PayPal: https:/ /www.paypal.me/wildlingssailing Ko-fi: https://www.ko-fi.com/wildlingssailing Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/wildlingsailing Lista de dorințe Amazon: https://www.amazon.nl /hz/wishlist/ls/155FC0QR78BGF?ref_=wl_share Muzica pe care o ascult de fapt: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/22sIFakj1oGqZlpmXv3kgC?si=557a07debd3b4f64


27 thoughts on “Părinții mei mă ajută să navighez!

  1. I’ve been listening to way too much Chet Baker recently. But just want to say a huge thanks to Mary and Steve, the best parents I’ve ever had 😂 getting organised and those engines purring means I can crack on with my rigging and getting my mast up.

  2. I've never heard Chet Baker, but listen to whatever you have to to keep Mum and Da happy! you have awesome parents- like I aspire to be a parent like them for my girls! Truly special and it's clear the apple hasn't fallen far from the tree! Keep grinding!

  3. Linseed oil in Rags is a fire hazard. It loves to combine with oxygen and will ignite itself. Do not store used rags on the boat.

  4. What a transformation down below ! It looks both fresh and cosy. Those engines have been brought back from just a lack of maintenance. Well done to Mum and Dad.

  5. Love your mam and dad!! Its realy coming on , u r like me I want it done , I have to have a word with myself , and say slow down do it properly , u r doing great !!!

  6. Wow, this made my eyes wet (again). Steve is a mechanical asset and Mary is the most sexy boat cosiness fixer I’ve seen.

  7. What percentage of the ship do you think you’ve replaced? I’m afraid you’ll find more rot every time you do some work.

  8. Mark, what a great video as always it’s fab to see the parents and how lucky were you that the waterproof spare fuses were there for goodness make sure you replace them with proper waterproof ones ready for any eventuality again in the future😊

  9. That’s great to see mate. I may have said this before but we are now working on our own boat and sealing over thru hulls is one task, as well as deck paint and grip (to start with). I’m appreciating your inspiration mate.

    And your parents are legends!

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