PIERDUT PE MARE: accidentul nostru de motor — Sailing Yabá 210

PIERDUT PE MARE: accidentul nostru de motor — Sailing Yabá 210

Aducerea Yabá de la epavă la vis! Episodul 210 În acest episod al restaurării bărcii noastre, ne pierdem motorul exterior atunci când manevrarea pentru schimbarea ancorajului merge prost. Dar suntem dornici să-l recuperăm și, fiind scafandri, am decis să mergem pe fundul mării după el. Îl vom găsi? Trebuie să fii atent pentru a afla! Pălăria WindSun perfectă a lui Ben: https://arntsonmarine.com/products/tahoe-brim 👉 ABONAȚI-VĂ pentru a nu rata noile episoade: https://bit.ly/3dI3hBn PUTEȚI SUSINI PROIECTUL NOSTRU: 👉 Devenind patron – alăturați-vă pentru a debloca conținut exclusiv: https://www.patreon.com/sailingyaba 👉 Prin donații Paypal: https://bit.ly/3kR4Ezo sau sailingyaba@gmail.com 👉 Purtând produsele noastre: https://shopsailingyaba.com / 👉 OBȚINEȚI INSTRUMENTELE NOASTRE PREFERATE: https://www.amazon.com/shop/sailingyaba Suntem veșnic recunoscători tuturor celor care ne trăiesc visul cu noi ♥️ 🇧🇷 Legendas em Português em todos os episódios! 🇪🇸 Subtitluri în spaniolă în toate episoadele! 💙 Cine suntem noi? Suntem Ben și MP! Recent am decis să achiziționăm o goeletă din lemn cu doi catarge în Brazilia. Detaliul distractiv despre povestea noastră este că barca pe care am cumpărat-o se scufunda și se baza pe multe pompe de santină pentru a supraviețui, așa că a trebuit să o ridicăm pe uscat pentru a începe o reparație completă. Odată ce barca a fost ridicată (pentru prima dată în viața ei) ne-am dat seama că munca necesară a fost mult mai mult decât se aștepta. Între eliberarea pe cauțiune sau acceptarea provocării, am decis să alegem a doua variantă. Urmărește-ne în timp ce readucem la viață Yabá cu ajutorul unei echipe uimitoare de constructori navali tradiționali, împărtășind fiecare fază a procesului, depășind culmile și dezavantajele și distrându-se pe parcurs. Mai multe despre noi: 👉 Despre noi + Întrebări și răspunsuri https://youtu.be/TldDlohjwTs 👉 mai multe informații despre proiect http://www.sailingyaba.com 💙 Mulțumiri masive echipei noastre uimitoare de dulgheri care nu ne-au dezamăgit niciodată și continuă să uimește-ne la fiecare pas al procesului: Toninho, Zeca, Hélio, Claiton, William, Nezo, Nico, Adilson, Beto și Luiz. SUNTEȚI LEGENDE!


36 thoughts on “PIERDUT PE MARE: accidentul nostru de motor — Sailing Yabá 210

  1. It's hard to get it through people heads,
    Always bolt the engine on,
    But they always make excuse as to why not,
    Then the lose the motor,
    I think it's very funny

  2. Can you figure out another way to tether your dinghy? That ring design is bad. What about a rope net around the dinghy to distribute the strain?

  3. Despite of losing the engine… verry nice episode… …STAY AWESOME !!!!
    greeetsz from friesland …max…😊💛💙

  4. When I was a kid we were carving it up with a jon boat and a 9.5 HP Evinrude and the motor came loose and lifted off the transom as we took a turn. Luckily my brother was able to hold on to the tiller and we got it back aboard. We kept a safety line on it after that!

  5. THAT WAS A BLESSING! i mentioned u guys needed a 4 stroke motor for the dingy, in a previous episode! that 2 stroke motor was trash, it's scrap metal! 4 stroke is the only way to go

  6. I lost My Outboard over the side once , Got it Back Up , Took it Home Drained out the Carby Fresh Fuel Started first Go LOL
    Don"t Bring any Worms On Board After all That

  7. Oh my goodness, you don't need tetanus shots if you scratch yourself on a barnacle or a rusty chair from the ocean. ClostridiumTetani is found in the dirt and dust around animal stock yards. Stop getting these poisonous shots when it is completely unnecessary. They are not good for your immune system to be had 'for just in case there's a 1 in a trillion chance you get tetanus.'
    Like all marine injuries, they are inclined to become infected easily, so keep the scratches clean, bathe in hot salty water and apply a sterile dry dressing to the wound.

  8. A waste of breath for your digest. Keep your ropes tidy. Carry a razor sharp knife. And lastly throw that damn tetanus risk back into Davey Jones locker. 😅😅😂😂 LOL . MP sings so sweet I could not help but feel her joy. Best of luck finding the outboard. So wonderful to see you both enjoying the start of your diving adventures. ❤

  9. We just knew you found the motor. We just knew you were leading up to the big find but ohhhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooo, you only found a chair, oh well you tried ……………..

  10. That's why I ALWAYS had a rope tieing the Outboard engine to the dinghy. This way, even if the OB Engine gets lose from the support, it can still be easily retrived, even if flooded.

  11. I learned three days into my first cruise, never leave the dinghy in the water at night.
    My new dinghy and new motor were stolen and never recovered.
    Other friends had their dinghy break loose at night and never recovered.
    Salt and Tar had their dinghy and motor stolen too.

    The simple answer is to make a rope bridal to be able to hook the dinghy in three places and lift out of the water with a halyard. Leave it over the side at deck level, ready to lower at a moment notice but safe and secure.

  12. Damned outboards are always falling off the transom – that, or they're stolen at the dinghy dock. You have lash them on with lock and chain.

  13. Hola , podrían usar el sistema de avioncito para buscar el motor, se construye en madera ,como una especie de cruz se le hacen unos pequeños alerones para controlar su dirección y es remolcado suave, se puede cubrir un espacio mayor de busqueda

  14. My motor almost twisted off the boat when I applied power. Didn't lose the motor, but it taught me an important lesson. Always cable the motor to the boat. 🙂

  15. Maybe its a good time to leave the dogs on land. That is where a dog belongs and it might not be fair towards the dogs to keep them on the boat. It always seem romantic but eventually reality strikes back.

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