SUNREEF YACHTS informații și contact: În sfârșit! Putem aduce un tur de iaht cu catamaran SUNREEF POWER pe Canal. Alăturați-vă nouă pentru a vedea Premiera Mondială la Festivalul de Yachting de la Cannes din 2021 Sunreef 60 Power numit „Otoctone”. În prezent, acest iaht de lux este disponibil pentru charter în Marea Mediterană. Alertă spoiler: avem un invitat special care ni se alătură în acest turneu, unul dintre membrii noștri Patreon LEAD Deckhands din Franța – Andre! Dacă ești interesat să ni te alături într-un tur de iaht, consultă pagina noastră Patreon: Ok, înapoi la catamaran! Fasciculul de pe Sunreefs este cu adevărat dincolo de impresionant, indiferent de câte ori am fost la bordul unuia. Aspectul lui Otoctone este foarte spațios și perfect pentru piața Charter. Unul dintre lucrurile mele preferate la acest Tur a fost să mă uit la fața lui Andre când a văzut Massive Flybridge, The Bow și toate caracteristicile unice. Mi s-a părut personal designul interior al capului Master foarte unic, mi-a plăcut bucătăria bine echipată (chiar dacă aș alege bucătăria sus) și m-am simțit deosebit de în siguranță pe prova. Mai multe excursii cu catamaran: 😜 Spuneți-mi ce părere aveți despre acesta în comentarii. Mulțumiri imense @SUNREEFYACHTSOFFICIAL și ARTUR POLOCZANSKI pentru configurarea acestui lucru. Informații SUNREEF și contact: #SUNREEF #Catamaran #YachtTour //CUMPĂRĂ-MI LOOK: top: (căutați: SHEIN Striped Pussycat Bow Puff Sleeve Top) Pantaloni : sunnies: MULȚUMESC PENTRU LIKE-URI, COMENTARII, COMENTARII ȘI SUBS. ACESTE 4 CLICURI SIMPLE FAC ACEST CANAL POSIBIL!!! 🙂 Aceasta nu este procedura ta obișnuită! Nu facem turnee plictisitoare, monotone, de tip voiceover! Acest canal înseamnă să te distrezi și să nu te iei prea în serios în timp ce verifici cele mai tari iahturi de acolo. //INSCRIE-TE ECHIPULUI NOSTRU NAUTI: //URMĂȚI-NE: ○ Instagram: ○ Blog: .html ○ Facebook: //SHOP NAUTI GEAR: //CAMERA GEAR FOLOSIT: ○ Camera – ○ Dronă – ○ Microfoane fără fir – ○ Microfoane cu fir – ○ Card SD – ○ Gimbal – ○ Light – //SUBSCRIBE AICI:… //WATCH NEXT: ○ Mai multe catamarane: ○ Sunreef 60 Sail 0:00 Intro 1:02 Exterior 10:25:20 Flybridge Interior 10:26:20 Flybridge 16:52 Cabine 18:30 Bucătărie 21:02 Spațiul echipajului 24:42 Sala mașinilor 26:03 SPECIFICAȚII 37:04 Prize Vă mulțumim pentru vizionare! Ahoy, căpitanul V DECLINAREA RESPONSABILITĂȚII: Linkurile incluse în această descriere pot fi link-uri afiliate. Dacă achiziționați un produs sau serviciu cu link-urile pe care le ofer, este posibil să primesc un mic comision. Nu există nicio taxă suplimentară pentru tine! Vă mulțumesc că îmi susțineți canalul, astfel încât să vă pot continua să vă ofer conținut gratuit în fiecare săptămână!
PREMIERA MONDIALĂ: 2021 SUNREEF 60 POWER „Otoctone” Catamaran de lux Charter Yacht Tour

41 thoughts on “PREMIERA MONDIALĂ: 2021 SUNREEF 60 POWER „Otoctone” Catamaran de lux Charter Yacht Tour”
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We have a very special guest (one of our Patrons Andre) joining us on this Tour! 🙌🏻🤩 Let me know what you thought this Yacht in the comments
I continue watching your videos knowing I’ll never even be able to afford one these yachts lol. That being said this one is amazing. They really utilized the space well.
If you go with sail and encounter rough water and/or high winds, you only have your small auxiliary engine for backup. It's probably not going to be powerful enough to get you out of trouble. With twin engines, you have much better chance of turning into the seas or wind. I've seen videos of sailboats getting driven up on the rocks and swept under bridges. I'd go with the safety of the marine engines over sail anytime.
Victoria…your soo cute!! Dancin shoes gurrlly lol!! I love it "You dancin Queen"! LOVE you guy's! Rock on…
Victoria…your soo cute!! Dancin shoes gurrlly lol!! I love it "You dancin Queen"! LOVE you guy's! Rock on…
Victoria…your soo cute!! Dancin shoes gurrlly lol!! I love it "You dancin Queen"! LOVE you guy's! Rock on…
Very good, your tours are always so fun.
Starting from nothing, how quickly could someone get qualified to captain one of these?
Shame they don't do a 45ft or 50ft version. That's all you'd need, this 60ft is massive
That's a floating city. I can't imagine the cost of it. And that was a very nice review. You could make that a floating school it's got 2 playgrounds for the children.
It's an amazing space package and it's very fast on modest engine power. I like the fact it's got Cummings engines and generator, Sunreef is not cheapening out.
На транс-атлантику горючки хватит?
2:45 is that gap between the stainless steel and the fiberglass/composite or whatever over it normal?
Only thing I don't like is no head on main deck
I love you included a regular guy like Andre on your tour.
Please leave the specs on screen longer.
what are Catamarans like in rough conditions compared to a steel hull 80+ft Explorer type boat?
Hello, je suis belge, je met les sous titres mais je suis un vrai fan. Merci pour votre boulot.
what about sewage tanks and treatment ? nobody ever talks about it
Nice review. They have greatly improved their products, still well overweight though..
Annoying cow
Great job you guys did. Thanks 😘
I would never crew on a boat that has inhuman crew quarters like the ones in the bow .
What a beauty n the cat not bad either
I love this tour. Thanks
My wife and I cant be the only ppl not looking to purchase a boat but who enjoy watching your videos! Beautiful catamaran. If we ever decided to purchase a boat to explore with it would be a catamaran. LOL nothing this grand but it sure is nice to sea what's out there. Thanks for all your hard work that the rest of us envy!
How much is it to get a charter boat to go on and cruise
For a week that seven or more people would go on
Nice yacht and well designed. Not that usual broning cat design you see usually
Excellent – thank you 😊
Sending support, love, and kindness from Lexington, Michigan, USA
No specs
Watching all your tours I always thought I wanted a monohull style boat but after diving into these power cat videos as of late im really really leaning toward one of those. The space you get with the wide beam is crazy. A 50-60 foot power cat feels like a much bigger boat
Did you notice you have the craft at 60" inches long lol, think you may need to amend that!
When you started opening the cabinets, I subscribed immediately. No other channel does that. As a licensed architect, I’m learning a lot.
The first picture of Andre surprised me a bit. My first thought was how different Rico looks now! 🙂
I love u 2 guys
I prefer galley up and to port aft.
Just keeps everyone in the party.
Very nice cat, 29:37 but a total disaster of an engine room to do any maintenance you need to remove so many floors poorly thought out. Forgot to show us the toy storage