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Superyacht-ul lui Clive Palmer în dificultate – A DOUA oară în 8 luni! | SY News Ep327
42 thoughts on “Superyacht-ul lui Clive Palmer în dificultate – A DOUA oară în 8 luni! | SY News Ep327”
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Can't rule out alcohol. If they don't have it in place yet, time to have a breathalyzer test for anyone who turns the key. No pass, no start! They have that for cars. Why not boats😊
Thanks so much for the chart/map mention mate! Loved it! Ha ha ha! Good onya. It was me who mentioned it. Great channel!
Are the yacht groundings caused by poor navigation or by tech not working?
You can call it a chart; I know the word.
Left his wallet behind. Picked it up. Overweight. Grounded.🤷🏻
The yacht is not responsible it’s the crew and captain- just sounds like the yacht grounded itself, which it can’t without a crew or severe weather.
Washington State a 110’ had its anchor lines intentionally cut and its beached ….. Bremerton general area. Owner suspects fowl play.
Surely Clive's skipper can hold station if required (eg to make way for a flotilla of sailing craft) but running aground in your home port must indicate something mechanical was very much amiss. Still don't know why the boat ran aground in Singapore.
switch GPS off and steer the bloody things 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Needed tugged off the beach ☺
Great update 2x👍
So what's with all the uber rich of the planet owning superyachts? Are SY's just the status symbol of our time or do they know something we don't? Seems they all own yachts and bunkers. Perhaps in case of a nuclear war (or pandemic) if you don't want to be shut in a bunker for two years a yacht is the safest place to be. Just sayin'.
The whole Gold Coast Broadwater is very shallow with many constant shifting sandbanks. Really it's a nightmare in a 12 metre boat least of all a Superyacht
Clive Palmer is trying hard to collect on his insurance.
The problem is Clive is so overweight. I'm surprised the boat doesn't sink when he gets on it. I've been told they use the crane to lift him on and off.
Newbie Question!! – – some one in the know please explain to me- as it blows my mind at a yacht of this calibre or even the one in Valencia gets grounded/beached – there must be 1/2 dozen apps let alone Raymarine or B&G type equipment on board to to audibly alert the crew WELL before anything bad happens?
at least Clive's yacht cost less than his attempt to buy a seat in parliament.
As an Australian I can say this man Clive Palmer is an idiot
There may have been a fatty mc f head on board causing some discrepancy in the known draft of the yacht. Tell Clive to walk over to the side of the boat and maybe it will list enough to free itself from the grounding
No doubt Clive, instructed the Skipper in his usual business like way
giving a new meaning to liquidation.
Clive, if you need a new captain give me A'hoy.
Such disrespect for the vessel with clown you have.
They may have the rudder fitted back to front.
Following Elon’s logic, why don’t you call a boat a boat?… vs yacht. Superyacht, etc. ? 😀
A Map shows you where you can go. A Chart shows you where you cannot go.
Palmer United kiss my ass
killer shirt you have on!
I think he needs a new Captain. 😊
Who's driving this thing, Mr Magoo?
Was a great video until you quoted Elon Musk lol – charts vs. maps – next you will be calling fenders as bumpers and the world goes down hill from there lol
I'll tell you who is in trouble! Not Clive, but his captain.
Clive Palmer is a billionaire Aussie and he's such a tight arse he only dropped 40 mil for his boat.
Good backpedal
This yacht is almost impossible to run aground. The auto pilot would stop it. My house is on the water on the Broadwater and looks at Wavebreak Island. Clive Palmers skipper has no idea what he is doing
Sack the capt now!
Some people should not own boats.
Purchased from stolen Commonwealth Resources. The Minerals belong to We The People, not Clive Palmer, as per our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 as Proclaimed and Gazetted.
40 million dollar boat, ongoing running costs, while people are homeless in Australia. The Minerals belong to The People. 30 million people population in Australia. Simple maths shows everyone could have 1 million dollars and there is 10 million left over. They could end poverty overnight. Think about that folks. Commonwealth, means Common Wealth. The Iron Ore and Gold belongs to The People.
I know the waters way well i work there for past 20yrs day and night …There is a East Marker and when going out you are on the right side of the seaway when going out but being a Vessel that big you tend to hang to the centre of the Channel …When coming in there are leads lights at Night that line up nearly with the East Marker and the on Wave Break Island ..The way Vessel was facing look like he came in to close to the East marker and passed the East marker straight where the sand bank edge sits out instead of navigating left once near the East marker …So in theory after the East marker there should be a South Marker to show deep water South ..
What a laugh electronic wizardry running these things nothing but drama millennials love the crap because they don’t have experience
Someone should invent a computer display that has your GPS position overlaid a nautical chart with water depths
This is an example of a captain that just can't handle a yacht while drunk… He can't be an Aussie…
Palmer is a slug he has ripped off so many investors in his company's, and the Australian government does nothing. If he just stepped off the boat it would float but he is to busy blaming the sandbank for not giving money to his pathetic lifestyle.
This Australian Billionaire cannot get his superyacht, out of multiple ports or harbours and/or marina's without running aground it seems.
He then want to build and operate a new Super Oceanliner, of 1,000 feet in length and over 100,000 tons too.
If his Superyacht crew and Captain, cannot keep his Superyacht out of danger.
I would not trust whoever, this Aussie Billionaire would hirer, to Captain and Crew his new Super Ocean liner.
Any better to keep this Titanic 2 Super Oceanliner, out of danger any better.
Especially if this Titanic 2 first ocean cruise is a cross Northern Atlantic, from Southampton to New York, sailing in the early part of the month of April too.
My money would be on the Icebergs winning for a second time too, so who would want or dare to be a passenger on Titanic 2 first ocean cruise too?
Not me, no way.
With the name like Titanic, whether it called Titanic 2 or just Titanic, as the original Titanic did not make one voyage safely without sinking first.
Maybe this Aussie Billion, should just call his Superyacht Titanic, it seems to be just as unlucky too!