Legenda navigației Sir Robin Knox-Johnston dezvăluie etapa favorită a cursei Clipper Round the World Yacht Race

Legenda navigației Sir Robin Knox-Johnston dezvăluie etapa favorită a cursei Clipper Round the World Yacht Race

Legenda navigației Sir Robin Knox-Johnston dezvăluie etapa sa preferată din cursa Clipper: Oceanul Pacific. Etapa 6 vede cea mai lungă cursă de iahturi din lume traversând cel mai mare ocean al planetei, membrii echipajului petrecând aproape o lună pe mare.


16 thoughts on “Legenda navigației Sir Robin Knox-Johnston dezvăluie etapa favorită a cursei Clipper Round the World Yacht Race

  1. I agree with Sir Robin, battered, soaked and exhausted for most of the leg and despite everything that happened to us (Geraldton WA) it's the leg I'm most proud of completing

  2. These 27 meters….. They are so delicate & move so effortlessly & with such ease it's unbelievable….. Will sweep away the Empire State building like it's a toothpick…. In this world the Empire State Building is a toothpick

  3. I have been in the 27 meter waves he's speaking of. In southern winter of '81 our ship went from Indian Ocean south around/below Australia. The waves were so high that when the ship was in the trough there was nothing but water for 360 degrees around. At that point you had to look up to see the sky.

    I would say the waves were 90 to 100 ft. high and 3/4 mile, at least in length. I estimated the wave period to be about 4.5 mins. with our ship, general cruising at 13 knots when economy steaming.

    We were in that sea state for four days and I never saw one wave break. They were literally like the rolling foot hills of a mountain range. One of the most amazing thing I have ever seen.

    P.s. don't confuse with what you see here in this video as to what Sir Robert was commenting on. The waves in this video may have maxed out at 27 FEET. Now multiply that by 3.3 and that's what he's speaking of!

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