Haulover Inlet din Florida este un loc popular pentru navigatorii experimentați care caută un fior. Cunoscută pentru condițiile sale dificile și curenții puternici, intrarea leagă Oceanul Atlantic de calea navigabilă Intracoastal și este renumită pentru valurile sale aspre și vânturile puternice, care pot face plimbarea cu barca periculoasă. În ciuda riscurilor, mulți navigatori sunt atrași de condițiile dificile ale insulei și de oportunitatea de a naviga prin el. __________ Cumpărați videoclipul dvs. aici: https://bzclips.com Conținut necenzurat în Patreon https://www.patreon.com/boatzone Deveniți membru pentru 0,99 USD Aici: https://rb.gy/gsnc Vă interesează să faceți publicitate cu noi? boat.zone.video@gmail.com __________ Urmărește-ne: Boat Zone Miami: https://bit.ly/BoatZoneMiami Miami Boat Life https://www.youtube.com/c/MiamiBoatLife Instagram: https://bit. ly/BoatZoneInstagram Facebook: https://bit.ly/BoatZoneFacebook2 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@boat.zone __________ Nu uitați să dați like, share, comentați și abonați-vă. De asemenea, sunați la clopoțelul de notificări pentru a fi anunțat despre toate videoclipurile mele viitoare. Multumesc pentru vizionare! Toate drepturile rezervate | Orice utilizare neautorizată a acestui conținut, inclusiv capturi de ecran ale acestui videoclip, descărcare sau repostare, este interzisă prin drepturi de autor. #hauloverinlet #boatzone #hauloverboats



  1. Hey guys. Welcome to another episode at Haulover Inlet brought by your favorite channel Boat Zone !! Don't forget to subscribe…

  2. As a kayaker and sailor I wear a PFD as a matter of course, I spend quite a bit of time surf kayaking and at the end of a day surfing I’ll always have a swim, it feels totally alien and unsafe to be out on the sea without my PFD so I’ll often be found swimming with it still on. These folks seem oblivious to how quickly a decent day on the water can go wrong, given that children are fairly ignorant of the danger why aren’t parents instilling them with some sort of safety awareness and insisting they wear some safety gear? Are there any requirements for boat owners to have any sort of training?

  3. To the ones watching with the child, zoom in you can see she is wearing a pink colored flotation device of sort. I'm not sure if it's a legit life vest but definitely a life vest of sort. It was the first thing that angered me watching the video and looked much closer at it. I don't have kids so I'm not sure if they make official life vests in that style.

  4. Can't Americans afford life jackets. It's mandatory for any boats under 6 metres in my country. Even larger boats that run specific tourist excursions will require you to wear one.

  5. The little girl in the first one did have a life jacket on. The mom drinking alcohol while holding her was pretty stupid though.
    Why did the Canadoo look like it had mismatched engines?

  6. . It horrifies and scares me but I’m old so…. Where exactly is this in. Florida. Mimi Area??? My back hurts just watching it

  7. The woman has a drink in her hand, holding onto a little girl with no life jackets on, in huge, dangerous waves all for fun! …..until someone, maybe the little girl gets bumped out, washed out or thrown out of the boat! And they post this on the internet and that's supposed to be okay? Who's to blame if someone dies? VERY IRRESPONSIBLE! And allowed to get away with this reckless behaviour putting a child at risk.

  8. I totally agree with the guy in the been has no beneteau has should be banned from running a dinghy never mind a small yacht.

  9. I haven’t watched this channel in quite a while because I got fed up with the lack of attention to safety especially in regards to kids not being secure and wearing life jackets. Nothing has changed.

  10. I would like to see a STEEL HULL (displacement hull might be a better term) compilation….something like Bering's line of yachts.

  11. I was just checking out some of the videos and yours definitely caught my attention. Great video with excellent idea of what works: simplicity. Nice work and I truly wish you much success!😊

  12. That jet ski stuffing is beautiful. Nothing like a hundred gallons of seawater in your face. Impressive he held on!!

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