Piesa preferată a lui Stephen pe care a făcut-o cu Jon Stewart

Piesa preferată a lui Stephen pe care a făcut-o cu Jon Stewart

Când Al Sharpton nu s-a prezentat la un interviu, Jon Stewart l-a chemat pe Stephen să înlocuiască reverendul. Abonați-vă la canalul „The Late Show” AICI: http://bit.ly/ColbertYouTube Pentru mai mult conținut de la „The Late Show with Stephen Colbert”, faceți clic AICI: http://bit.ly/1AKISnR Vizionați episoadele complete din „The Late Show” AICI: http://bit.ly/1Puei40 Like „The Late Show” pe Facebook AICI: http://on.fb.me/1df139Y Urmărește „The Late Show” pe Twitter AICI: http://bit .ly/1dMzZzG Urmărește „The Late Show” pe Google+ AICI: http://bit.ly/1JlGgzw Urmărește „The Late Show” pe Instagram AICI: http://bit.ly/29wfREj Urmărește „The Late Show” pe Tumblr AICI: http://bit.ly/29DVvtR Urmărește The Late Show cu Stephen Colbert în noaptea de săptămână, la 23:35 ET/22:35 CT. Doar pe CBS. Obțineți aplicația CBS pentru iPhone și iPad! Faceți clic AICI: http://bit.ly/12rLxge Obțineți episoade noi ale emisiunilor pe care le iubiți pe dispozitive în ziua următoare, transmiteți în flux TV în direct și vizionați sezoane complete de favorite ale fanilor CBS oricând și oriunde cu CBS All Access. Încearcă-l gratuit! http://bit.ly/1OQA29B – The Late Show with Stephen Colbert este cel mai mare talk show de la CBS, difuzat la ora 23:35 EST, difuzat online prin CBS All Access și livrat la Stația Spațială Internațională pe o unitate USB atașată la un balon meteorologic. În fiecare seară, spectatorii se pot aștepta la: comedie, umor, momente amuzante, interviuri pline de spirit, celebrități, oameni celebri, vedete de film, fragmente, celebrități pline de umor, vedete amuzante, fotografii mari de grup ale fiecărei vedete de la Hollywood, chiar și ale celor izolate, plus de asemenea glume.


48 thoughts on “Piesa preferată a lui Stephen pe care a făcut-o cu Jon Stewart

  1. For those who never saw that interview, Colbert was amazing in avoiding any controversy of any race-related or even undue personal mocking of Al Sharpton that night.

  2. The Office of the President Elect – isn't
    and Never Was. In your heart, you know that the candidate, who could not fill a phone booth, did not earn more votes than any other Presidential candidate in the history of our nation.

    Soon the FRAUDSTERS will be writhing in the bright light of truth.

    Then, the trials for Treason may begin.

    On that day, Blantifa will begin to emerge in the Feral Cities of America. Blue helmets will be of no help to them.

    Prep, Pray & Stay Out Of The Way –
    So The US Military can clean it up.

    TRUE Patriots are about 120 Million Strong & many MILLIONS Will Back Up US Mulitary – if Requested.

    We believe The Rule Of Law is paramount and we stand behind the US Constitution.

    MARXISTS, GLOBALIST MEDIA & Compromised-Treasonist Politicians/Sellouts shall not take over our country.

    Here is more on the DOD's "Special Forces Server Raid" in Germany…


    Start at about the 2 Minute Mark – you do not need to subscribe – just listen to what the MSM is hiding from you.


  3. MOAB over Georgia – This story just gets better and better..!

    I now think Biden will have little choice, but to concede before Dec 14th.

    All our Spec Ops guys need to do is to track down a couple of those Serbian programmers.

    With that single stroke, I think we could get a 'twofer' – Huessein AND. Creepy Joe…


    Watch "Georgia slammed by Powell's 104 page lawsuit; Exposed: The hands behind Dominion? | Front Page" on YouTube

    #IamQ -AmericanPatriot

  4. Tales of TREASON from Amistad Project
    They tell the TREASON story with Numbers.


    Clearly, Postal Supervisors were in on The Steal of our election.

    Excellent Details of Circumstantial Anomalies – again and again – all pointing to TREASON.

    "Whiskey for our WarFighters
    & Treason for All Cheaters"


  5. Colbert – you are Sweating. YOU and your Network management have reason to pay attention. The Vote Certifications will be set aside when the Vote Fraud proof from the recovered Dominion Servers is presented (now discovered to be owned by Chinese CCP).

    Whistleblowers are now raising their
    IN ORDER TO TURN STATE'S EVIDENCE – to avoid Prosecution for TREASON.

    "Whiskey for our WarFighters
    & Treason for All Cheaters"


  6. Of course you don't say," I can't; I just punched out". Either you punch a clock or you are salaried. When you are salaried, you are always on the clock. Can you have it both ways, Stephen?

  7. The funniest piece Colbert ever did with Stewart was a hand off from the Daily Show to the Colbert Report where Stephen was a pirate. I still have it on tape and it kills me every single viewing!

  8. God I miss the old Stephen Colbert, I used to laugh my ass off every night. Since he got his new show and sold his soul to the media overlords he’s not even an empty shelf of his former self. So sad

  9. Well, it was really a blessing that that blackmailing extorting con man didn't show up. We didn't have to listen to his racism and non-stop lies and manipulation. Instead we got a funny interview and a great call back many years later…..

  10. Was this before or after Stephen was on Wait Wait Don't tell me replacing <tell ya later> and he insisted they ask the questions they prepared for her snf er found out the Sex with Adam Driver was REAL It was Lena Dunham, So Stephen has Range.

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