Navigare către Groenlanda 2022. Capitolul 2 I Shetland către Insulele Feroe. 4K

Navigare către Groenlanda 2022. Capitolul 2 I Shetland către Insulele Feroe.  4K

– Obțineți o ofertă exclusivă NordVPN aici ➼ Nu există riscuri cu garanția de rambursare a banilor de la Nord de 30 de zile! ✌ Bună tuturor! Iată următoarea călătorie de la Shetland la Insulele Feroe, o călătorie frumoasă de 220 NM. Aici mă puteți urmări vizitând Sandøy, una dintre numeroasele insule de pe Insulele Feroe. L-am întâlnit pe prietenul meu Poul Jakup aici și mi-a arătat toată această insulă. Asta a rezultat în niște filmări spectaculoase. După aceea am urcat la Thorshavn să mă pregătesc pentru Islanda. Sper sa iti placa! Tricouri și produse Erik în interiorul UE: SUA și peste tot: Facebook: https://www. Instagram: Patreon: PayPal: Site: https ://


29 thoughts on “Navigare către Groenlanda 2022. Capitolul 2 I Shetland către Insulele Feroe. 4K

  1. I guarantee that if you just ate fresh fruit for one month your colitis will be on the mend.. just fruit and herbs.. 
    tomato avocado and cucumbers are a fruit too.. it may be extreme but so is having colitis flair ups..

  2. Have you researched 'worm therapy' for your Ulcerative Colitis? Just a thought, seemed obvious to me, but what do I know, All the best matey.

  3. I got a darn buoy trapped between the bows of my catamaran once. Talk about getting caught in irons… took me 5 verrrryyy loooong minutes to get free… I think my face was redder than that (racing) buoy…

  4. Having a son and his family living in the Faroes , Me and my wife have been there quite a few's a wonderful place..extremely enjoyable episode..being from Iceland I can't wait for the next one!!!

  5. You know Erik, the last 3 years I have been having to be relentless myself, refitting my own boat, a Spencer 42, to get out and do some open ocean sailing, and have some adventures, watching your videos when they came out along the way has always been great motivation to keep going, the scenery in them is always so beautiful.

    This spring I will be setting off North to Alaska, that is going to be quite an adventure!

  6. Another great video Erik. I have the same problem with my shoulder, physio helped me. But I don't think it will ever be 100 %.Hopefully you'll make it to Greenland this year!stay safe…from the east coast of Canada!

  7. It's a big ocean but funny how those buoys sneak up on you. I'm always paranoid about hitting them and invariably fall off behind them (downwind) if I feel I'm getting too close. Ben and Nicki (SV Bora Bora) had a heart pounding close encounter when they were going up the river in New York – amazing how common these incidents are.

  8. If ever there walked a man in these times as saturated with viking DNA, it's you, Erik. Love your channel. What I haven't figured out, how do you get your balls onto such a small boat?

  9. Hello Erik! Walter here watching all your content from Brazil.

    A tip: you are recording (specially go pro) in a different frame rate than in time line edition.

    I watch your videos on a big screen and causes a…I don’t know how to say in English but it’s like some kind of shadow when you move the camera.

    You can adjust that by using the 24fps on time line edition and 24fps on drone and other cameras.

    If someone who works with videos and know a better way to explain to Erik please do it here.

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