The Sopranos – Breaking Balls Goes Too Far

The Sopranos - Breaking Balls Goes Too Far

Glumele merg prea departe între Eugene Pontecorvo și Paulie Jr la șantierul esplanadei.


34 thoughts on “The Sopranos – Breaking Balls Goes Too Far

  1. All joking aside, I love how realistic Finns reaction is. The fear and shock after witnessing something like that would make any normal person sick.

  2. "And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house." Acts 16:31. Jesus of Nazareth, The Messiah, died for the remission of sin, including yours, was buried and rose from the dead on the third day, and whoever believes on him has everlasting life in heaven. Jesus himself said in John 6:47 "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life."

  3. Once in my early 20s saw something very similar- drinking in someone's driveway, nice summer day, all friends and one guy just sorta makes fun of another guy for something (don't even remember what) and CRACK guy getting goofed on breaks a thick liquor bottle across the guy joking's face- everyone was just shocked, mouths open- these guys were close friends- problem was the guy that got hit, his 6'5" 270 lb D-3 All American younger brother was there and absolutely stomped this kid out- nobody stopped him until the guy that smashed the bottle was an unconscious bloody mess- ah, my early 20s lol

  4. "Oh yeah, those 2 guys" is one of the best quotes from the show. Right up there with the exchange after tossing Rusty off the bridge and everything after Phil got whacked and run over – including the puke.

  5. I’m wondering how this would have played out if his dad was there? And I wonder if Paulie Walnuts ever confronted him about it later on?

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