Cea mai dură cursă de navigație din lume | Cursa Oceanului

Cea mai dură cursă de navigație din lume |  Cursa Oceanului

Vedeți Volvo Ocean 70 și echipajele lor trecând peste unele dintre cele mai dure, terifiante și periculoase condiții de pe planetă în timp ce concurează la Volvo Ocean Race 2011-12. O selecție a unora dintre cele mai incredibile și spectaculoase înregistrări de ocean accidentat pe care le veți vedea vreodată. Așteptați-vă să fie încărcate mai multe de genul acesta pe canalul YouTube oficial Volvo Ocean Race în viitor. Obțineți toate cele mai recente actualizări pe www.VolvoOceanRace.com


34 thoughts on “Cea mai dură cursă de navigație din lume | Cursa Oceanului

  1. да это хуйня всё,пацаны . как они спят-то там и кушают в этом микроскопическом трюме, а?

  2. Vendee Globe is…by a good leg, harder than VOR. But, RESPECT to anyone prepared, and capable enough to sail around the world in anything, with or anyone. It's serious shit, and especially in the awesome vastness of the pacific, anyone considering it, needs to make sure they really take it seriously, and learn all you can before attempting it.

  3. 6 months of team sailing with about a dozen of very long stop-overs to refuel, see your family, get someone else to repair your boat, plenty of time to enjoy the local bars and venues… versus 3 months single handed race round the World with no stop-over, no assistance, 30 minutes sleeping breaks max, self-repair for both sailor and boat (try stitching your own tongue at sea)… The VR formerly known as Whitbread is tough if you come from regatta sailing (i.e. the America Cup) and more used to sipping Champagne at your local Yacht club surrounded by billionaires on their yacht but you are not a sailor until you go out there on your own. So, VG is the toughest by miles for this reason.

    Frank Cammas and Groupama 4 won the Volvo Race at their first attempt, but has yet to win the Vendée Globe because it is a vastly superior level of fitness, mental toughness and endurance quite simply. It is like comparing a weekend enduro to the Dakar rallye. Solo round the World is the ultimate race and very popular in France sadly the Anglo-Saxons are yet to join, this is why they consider the Volvo Race to be the toughest. If you cannot join them, beat them on paper I guess. At least the French have given the America's Cup a go, albeit with fewer sponsors and interest from the public which is a shame. It will take time to get results but the sailors are there, the Peyron and Cammas.

    To me these are completely different breeds of sailors. Some are regatta specialists, some are sea wolves. You don't jump the boat so easily. To my knowledge only Peter Blake and Grant Dalton managed the two but even they have not sailed solo round the World in a race so there are different disciplines in sailing. Offshore sailing though is a no brainer. Vendee Globe, Jules Verne, Volvo Race and Route du Rhum in that order, and if I put Route du Rhum behind the VR it is only because on board technology took the best of it and it is a cross Atlantic race not round the World. Many races are about technology these days, but there is only one for which man remains at the forefront and that's the VG. The chances of dying in a team race are extremely scarce, in a solo race it is a reality families of the sailors have to be prepared for. If you fall over, it is game over your boat won't turn around to pick you up. Some of the mistakes you see in the VR would have disastrous consequences in the VG.

  4. When seeing this, I remember 2012. The Volvo Teams rounded Cape Of Storms two days after Laura Dekker (16yo, alone in a nutshell), with 2 Beaufort and 4m less swell than her. I wonder, how Lauras videos would look like if she had another hand to film…;-)

  5. Reasons you go Ocean sailing;

    Your life is balanced by the decisions you and your fellow crew make so you become fully human and responsible for both yourself and others.

    The potential for a lonely death is always there but you rely on the reason above and that's not an understanding you reach on shore.

    It's mind bending.. You are one of the privileged few to get to experience our planet in it's raw form. Most people live in warm, safe environment's where the weather is a minor issue. You get to nearly die and come back. Some might say it's madness but I think it's a privilege to experience it. It's humbling but gives you enormous self confidence.

    Anybody who has been to sea knows that you walk taller after coming in from a fast or challenging sail.

  6. Go to yacht club, become a junior and study all the tactics and yacht class preferences, then sea police tactics and e.t.c then you buy yacht and hire crew or join one by yourself. And then you need to train at least 8 years to sail like this….

  7. Wow, I'd be afraid of getting washed overboard. I wonder why they don't design these boats to give the crew a little more protection, instead of having those totally exposed decks with all that water coming over green?

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