Bărbații în sportul feminin | Fiona McAnena pe GBNews

Bărbații în sportul feminin |  Fiona McAnena pe GBNews

Fiona McAnena li se alătură lui Ben Leo și Miriam Cates pentru a discuta despre declarația Lisei Nandy despre bărbații care concurează în sportul feminin. Citiți mai multe: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/07/23/culture-secretary-lisa-nandy-trans-athletes-womens-sports/ Videoclip original: https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=ROLvu28GHVs&ab_channel=GBNews Sprijină-ne munca: https://sex-matters.org/take-action/donate/


25 thoughts on “Bărbații în sportul feminin | Fiona McAnena pe GBNews

  1. Biologically born males should be banned from competing against women in any sport that requires power, speed, strength and contact. No exceptions !

  2. This ideology is being pushed by a cult at the top of society that owns most of the banks, corporations and media, thats why most of us can know this is insane but its still being relentlessly pushed.

  3. A good man will never be in a changing room for girls. Not sure why we, women, are so hated in western countries as well as deep south. Could never understand how identifying oneself as something could be valid.

  4. That culture secretary has no clue what she’s representing, this is a travesty for girls. It’s abuse. State sanctioned abuse.

  5. My last straw. Women are getting less and less respect these days
    You really don't expect government to encourage this. Something else lost to the world. I'm giving up on sport.

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